Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Counterfeit Poptropica Where Are The Papers

presentation of "Ash Wednesday"

Ash Wednesday.
This is the title of the first novel by Antonello DiNapoli, published by LaQuadra publisher and its output in those days.
The book will be presented by the author Thursday, December 9 at ' Ausonia to Trieste, time to drink; Thursday, December 16 touch to the city of Brescia at the Eden Cinema . For the moment
Ash Wednesday be purchased at:
  • libraries Minerva and I n Der Tat in Trieste ;
  • all libraries Brescia.
@ gmail.com
laquadra.it / publisher / default.asp

Antonio DiNapoli (Bari, 1980) lives and works in Trieste as a journalist and radio presenter. In 2009 he won the competition "I write" organized by Giulio Perrone Editore and in 2010 won the first prize at the "GialloCarta" Civitanova Marche with the story "The aperitif. This is his first novel.

The novel :
It happens all in one day, at the turn of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday in 2009.
A man dies in conditions unlikely and is found by the roadside with his mouth exploded. The strange death affects the lives of the southern province of a professor who supplement their income by selling drugs, a young rocker with his mother in a coma and an obese girl struggling with the matriculation exams. A story almost normal to solve as many, if not for a bloody game of opium cut badly. A glimpse of accelerated lives asleep, idle between students, the vice sextons of drugs, dwarfs taxi drivers, brokers and respected professionals in the country sick of sex. A race against time, an escape from responsibility and obsessive by the police, desperately seeking the quiet of a rich city subnormal del nord. Una brutta storia di provincia, pronta a risolversi senza colpevoli, se solo non fosse giunto il giorno in cui tutti devono finalmente pentirsi dei loro peccati.
È arrivato il mercoledì delle ceneri.

Di seguito il book trailer:

Foto da capagloriosa.splinder.com
Video da youtube.com/user/antonellodinapoli

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who Has The Cat Costume On Poptropica?


Anche se presente da un po' di tempo, solo qualche giorno fa sono riuscito ad andare a visitare il nuovo appuntamento con le mostre Modiano , che va ad aggiungersi ai precedenti tre .
Questa volta, il tema dell'esposizione è " Arte e impresa - Dalla fotografia alla cartolina, dal bozzetto al manifesto " e la location è il Civico Museo della Civiltà Istriana, Fiumana e Dalmata di Trieste , in posizione molto centrale.

In questa quarta tappa si possono ammirare tante locandine non presenti nelle precedenti esposizioni e una grande sezione è stata dedicata alle fotografie d'epoca, that depict landscapes and everyday life of Trieste, Gorizia and some places abroad, as Pula and Porec for example.

We find the artists have met before in other shows; Sigon , founder of the posters Julian Cambon, creator of complaints for hotels and calendars, which Orell autoritrae is a manifest for Navigation Company Austro-Americana. Then you switch to
Pollio, son of Sigon , with its 7000 sketches remain the Modiano until 1957 before retiring.
As anticipated, the picture was also important for the company, going to consolidate that preferred means of communication, cheap and fast that it was the motherboard, hence, intense campaigns that would later become photographic cards, already have their advertising potential commercial product.

This stage of the journey Modiano I really liked it, although much smaller than that of Gorizia, certainly an occasion to admire other beautiful posters not seen before, and many foto d'epoca che ritraggono posti in cui quotidianamente capita di passarci.
Come le altre tappe, anche in questa l'ingresso è gratuito e ci sono degli omaggi per i visitatori molto interessati.

Civico Museo della Civiltà Istriana, Fiumana e Dalmata
Via Torino, 8
LUN-SAB: 10-12:30/16-18:30
DOM: 10-13
Tel. 040.639188

Qua le foto della mostra Modiano Art and Enterprise

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Does Your Handicap Need To Be To Qualify For

"BARAN Kebap" A Special Turkey TRIESTE

Another review "culinary" and this time it's Baran Kebab of Trieste.
By now there are dozens of places that do döner kebab (or kebap ), but this place deserves a mention because, in my opinion, is by far the best kebab Trieste and perhaps as good as I've eaten.
Maybe on the quality of meat or sauces - the tzatziki that put us is sublime - it is certain that it has a unique flavor, compared to others I have always found very similar and very recognizable. In addition to the classic sandwich is filled well, managing to satisfy a lot.
The menu of the place offers a good variety of dishes, ranging from the traditional sandwich or roll of kebabs (lamb, chicken, veal) to falafel from börek to ' hummus, tabbouleh from to baklava. There are also appetizers, dishes, side dishes and desserts.
The other key thing, to meet the needs of all customers, is that you can also find Baran wine and beer between drinks, unlike all other similar places. And of course different drinks and water. Sincerely
beer and kebab go great together.
The two additional points in favor are two TVs that broadcast the football matches of Mediaset Premium , but most of the staff very friendly, polite and helpful, with whom we always flee chat.
The village is located in Carlo Goldoni Step 1 to Trieste, virtually at the crossroads with Via Carducci , is open all day Monday to Sunday until late.
I now go there for a couple of years and every time I want to eat a kebab , I have no doubt about that place to choose.

View BARAN Kebap in a larger map

Baran Kebab
Step Carlo Goldoni, a
Tel 040.634780

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Getting Pantsed At The Beach


The new serial, based on the famous film This Is England, ha già fatto la sua comparsa sulla televisione inglese, in particolare su Channel 4 ; sono 4 le puntate che raccontano la storia della compagnia che avevamo conosciuto nel 2006 , nel lungometraggio scritto e diretto da Shane Meadows .
All'interno della storia sono passati 3 anni, è il 1986 e le vite dei personaggi si trovano ad avere a che fare con la disoccupazione che sta minacciando la Gran Bretagna ; ed è anche l'anno dei Mondiali di calcio in Messico , significativi per la nazionale inglese e segnati dalla Mano de Dios di Maradona .
Ritroviamo, nella first episode, the whole gang of skinheads and punks met some years before: Shaun facing his final school exam - with consequent passage from adolescence to adulthood - and Woody , Lol and the other to faced with important decisions about their future.
The episodes were written by Shane Meadows and Jack Thorne and were directed by Shane Meadows and Tom Harper. Just
the director, after the release of the film, ended up with quite a lot 'of material and good ideas are not used and decided, with Film4 and Channel 4 , to provide a continuous sense the story above.
I found the first episode on aMule , subtitled in Italian and I have seen on Amazon England that was released a box set on DVD, but without subtitles in Italian, I understand.
not have to wait to leave the network in the next 3 episodes in the meantime, if you have not already done so, watch the film which was made into the serial.

Here the official website of the serial This Is England Photo by '86
Videos youtube.com/user/channel4