Thursday, December 30, 2010

Convert An Enclosed Porch

not going to take MORE

Ultimo post per il 2010 , durante un dicembre che mi ha visto un po' assente per via di alcuni impegni.
Vi lascio con un video tratto da un film che ho recentemente scoperto e che risulta apocalitticamente attuale: Quinto potere ( Network ) di S . Lumet of 1976.
Hoping that the actual ports 2011 major changes.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Kitchenaid Superba Replacement Rack


2010 this Christmas From the historic Abbey Road pedestrian crossing of to London, is the site protected UK.
That portion of road has obtained the Grade II 'from' Inglese Heritage, the body that is responsible for safeguarding sites of particular historical or architectural interest.
The crossing is located in front of Abbey Road Studios of Emi Already entered in the same category last February, and is famous for being immortalized on the cover of Abbey Road of Beatles, released in 1969 .


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Best Midrange Home Theater Receiver


" Coglionazzo " is precisely the time that the President Chamber , Gianfranco Fini , he had addressed to him by some members of the PDL this morning, after the failure of mozione di sfiducia all'attuale Governo , accompagnato dalla richiesta di dimissioni.
Tralasciando l'opinione sul suddetto politico, quello che colpisce è il continuo declino dei modi della politica attuali in Italia ; tutto viene ridotto a parolacce e grida, rappresentando forse quello che al momento il paese è e si merita. Una perdita culturale e una pochezza intellettuale che ormai sembrano inghiottire tutti inesorabilmente.
Senza dimenticare che il termine " Coglionazzo " è molto più di un semplice insulto o una comune parolaccia: è denigratorio, pone l'essere umano al di sotto del normale " Coglione ".
Crea una sorta di different social levels, said in a negative way against the subordination of a superior inferiority of fantozziana refers to memory.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Counterfeit Poptropica Where Are The Papers

presentation of "Ash Wednesday"

Ash Wednesday.
This is the title of the first novel by Antonello DiNapoli, published by LaQuadra publisher and its output in those days.
The book will be presented by the author Thursday, December 9 at ' Ausonia to Trieste, time to drink; Thursday, December 16 touch to the city of Brescia at the Eden Cinema . For the moment
Ash Wednesday be purchased at:
  • libraries Minerva and I n Der Tat in Trieste ;
  • all libraries Brescia.
@ / publisher / default.asp

Antonio DiNapoli (Bari, 1980) lives and works in Trieste as a journalist and radio presenter. In 2009 he won the competition "I write" organized by Giulio Perrone Editore and in 2010 won the first prize at the "GialloCarta" Civitanova Marche with the story "The aperitif. This is his first novel.

The novel :
It happens all in one day, at the turn of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday in 2009.
A man dies in conditions unlikely and is found by the roadside with his mouth exploded. The strange death affects the lives of the southern province of a professor who supplement their income by selling drugs, a young rocker with his mother in a coma and an obese girl struggling with the matriculation exams. A story almost normal to solve as many, if not for a bloody game of opium cut badly. A glimpse of accelerated lives asleep, idle between students, the vice sextons of drugs, dwarfs taxi drivers, brokers and respected professionals in the country sick of sex. A race against time, an escape from responsibility and obsessive by the police, desperately seeking the quiet of a rich city subnormal del nord. Una brutta storia di provincia, pronta a risolversi senza colpevoli, se solo non fosse giunto il giorno in cui tutti devono finalmente pentirsi dei loro peccati.
È arrivato il mercoledì delle ceneri.

Di seguito il book trailer:

Foto da
Video da

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who Has The Cat Costume On Poptropica?


Anche se presente da un po' di tempo, solo qualche giorno fa sono riuscito ad andare a visitare il nuovo appuntamento con le mostre Modiano , che va ad aggiungersi ai precedenti tre .
Questa volta, il tema dell'esposizione è " Arte e impresa - Dalla fotografia alla cartolina, dal bozzetto al manifesto " e la location è il Civico Museo della Civiltà Istriana, Fiumana e Dalmata di Trieste , in posizione molto centrale.

In questa quarta tappa si possono ammirare tante locandine non presenti nelle precedenti esposizioni e una grande sezione è stata dedicata alle fotografie d'epoca, that depict landscapes and everyday life of Trieste, Gorizia and some places abroad, as Pula and Porec for example.

We find the artists have met before in other shows; Sigon , founder of the posters Julian Cambon, creator of complaints for hotels and calendars, which Orell autoritrae is a manifest for Navigation Company Austro-Americana. Then you switch to
Pollio, son of Sigon , with its 7000 sketches remain the Modiano until 1957 before retiring.
As anticipated, the picture was also important for the company, going to consolidate that preferred means of communication, cheap and fast that it was the motherboard, hence, intense campaigns that would later become photographic cards, already have their advertising potential commercial product.

This stage of the journey Modiano I really liked it, although much smaller than that of Gorizia, certainly an occasion to admire other beautiful posters not seen before, and many foto d'epoca che ritraggono posti in cui quotidianamente capita di passarci.
Come le altre tappe, anche in questa l'ingresso è gratuito e ci sono degli omaggi per i visitatori molto interessati.

Civico Museo della Civiltà Istriana, Fiumana e Dalmata
Via Torino, 8
LUN-SAB: 10-12:30/16-18:30
DOM: 10-13
Tel. 040.639188

Qua le foto della mostra Modiano Art and Enterprise

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Does Your Handicap Need To Be To Qualify For

"BARAN Kebap" A Special Turkey TRIESTE

Another review "culinary" and this time it's Baran Kebab of Trieste.
By now there are dozens of places that do döner kebab (or kebap ), but this place deserves a mention because, in my opinion, is by far the best kebab Trieste and perhaps as good as I've eaten.
Maybe on the quality of meat or sauces - the tzatziki that put us is sublime - it is certain that it has a unique flavor, compared to others I have always found very similar and very recognizable. In addition to the classic sandwich is filled well, managing to satisfy a lot.
The menu of the place offers a good variety of dishes, ranging from the traditional sandwich or roll of kebabs (lamb, chicken, veal) to falafel from börek to ' hummus, tabbouleh from to baklava. There are also appetizers, dishes, side dishes and desserts.
The other key thing, to meet the needs of all customers, is that you can also find Baran wine and beer between drinks, unlike all other similar places. And of course different drinks and water. Sincerely
beer and kebab go great together.
The two additional points in favor are two TVs that broadcast the football matches of Mediaset Premium , but most of the staff very friendly, polite and helpful, with whom we always flee chat.
The village is located in Carlo Goldoni Step 1 to Trieste, virtually at the crossroads with Via Carducci , is open all day Monday to Sunday until late.
I now go there for a couple of years and every time I want to eat a kebab , I have no doubt about that place to choose.

View BARAN Kebap in a larger map

Baran Kebab
Step Carlo Goldoni, a
Tel 040.634780

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Getting Pantsed At The Beach


The new serial, based on the famous film This Is England, ha già fatto la sua comparsa sulla televisione inglese, in particolare su Channel 4 ; sono 4 le puntate che raccontano la storia della compagnia che avevamo conosciuto nel 2006 , nel lungometraggio scritto e diretto da Shane Meadows .
All'interno della storia sono passati 3 anni, è il 1986 e le vite dei personaggi si trovano ad avere a che fare con la disoccupazione che sta minacciando la Gran Bretagna ; ed è anche l'anno dei Mondiali di calcio in Messico , significativi per la nazionale inglese e segnati dalla Mano de Dios di Maradona .
Ritroviamo, nella first episode, the whole gang of skinheads and punks met some years before: Shaun facing his final school exam - with consequent passage from adolescence to adulthood - and Woody , Lol and the other to faced with important decisions about their future.
The episodes were written by Shane Meadows and Jack Thorne and were directed by Shane Meadows and Tom Harper. Just
the director, after the release of the film, ended up with quite a lot 'of material and good ideas are not used and decided, with Film4 and Channel 4 , to provide a continuous sense the story above.
I found the first episode on aMule , subtitled in Italian and I have seen on Amazon England that was released a box set on DVD, but without subtitles in Italian, I understand.
not have to wait to leave the network in the next 3 episodes in the meantime, if you have not already done so, watch the film which was made into the serial.

Here the official website of the serial This Is England Photo by '86

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What Credit Score Do I Need To Dell Financing

Eventually we are fallen, too.
Over the past two years have seen many photographers born improvised between friends and acquaintances, people who had never talked about photography in their lives, that at any moment spent much of the salary in the new wide-angle lenses and a flash perfect enlightenment.
I've always been skeptical about it and most of the time I found myself to criticize those who do with a little more and radical-chic, began by saying: "I the photographer. "
And it is those who talk about that in the end it falls.
So, I have enjoyed the last of the unemployment allowance, spending a substantial figure for a next-generation SLR, thanks to the helpful advice from a very dear friend photographer listed.
do not know if we can still talk about real passion, but I must say that the money spent so far have turned into a real investment. Yes, because, again thanks to the advice that my photographer friend, I moved a few weeks ago in a small town of Salento and there I started making some shots, mainly social housing.
Then, once entered in touch with the right people, I managed to sell some pictures to a whopping € 10 000, somewhere else instead I had to serve to 8000 €.
You also understand that prices are staggering, especially for a beginner like me, it is certain that between now and then a short step and the temptation to brag to friends, bragging photographer, is very strong.
Only now I understand the novice photographers who until recently criticized.
The only problem is that the mayor of this town has issued an order that, soon, will prohibit all photographers to stand before one of the most photographed homes.
As a good employee that I am, now I will endeavor day and night to capture all possible shots, with a strong artistic impact, before the entry into force of new regulation, which in fact take away the freedom of poor people who work and who daily toil to bring food to the table.
And thanks to this effort I hope that the latest pictures can be much more valuable, since you can not do it.
Then there's always time for passion.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How To Make Cylinder Pillow


scheduled for January 18, 2011 the release of the next studio album of Social Distortion, Hard Times And Nursery Rhymes after the last Sex, Love And Rock'n'Roll of 2004.
A total of 11 tracks for about 55 minutes of life, passing through some parts already heard live over the past year, according to the advance, the band has also searched for new sounds, coming to include even some choirs gospel, but without abandoning the trademark that made her famous.
The disc opens with the instrumental Zombie Road and then finally be heard, in the studio version, Still Alive, Bakersfield, Can not Take It With You and Alone And Forsaken of Hank Williams (already registered in the past, in a different version).
I personally am very happy that they decided to record one of the most beautiful new songs, Diamond In The Rough , I was lucky enough to hear during a concert in Bern in 2005.
The first single, Machine Gun Blues , will be downloadable from iTunes the November 16, 2010.

This is the tracklist disco:
  1. Road Zombie
  2. California (Hustle And Flow)
  3. Gimme The Sweet And Lowdown
  4. Diamond In The Rough
  5. Machine Gun Blues
  6. Bakersfield
  7. Far Side Of Nowhere
  8. Alone And Forsaken
  9. Writing On The Wall
  10. Can't Take It With You
  11. Still Alive
Vi lascio alcune versioni dei pezzi già sentiti nei live:

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kates Playground Fork


I agree "black face" is not a racial slur.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fotos High Lights In Dark Hair


I hardly believed it possible to see the Muffs a few feet from me.
All this is made Thursday September 30, 2010 at Skaletta of La Spezia , durante la terza tappa del loro tour italiano.
Vedere Kim Shattuck a un passo di distanza fa un certo effetto; se poi ha tra le mani una chitarra e, insieme a Ronnie Barnett e Roy McDonald , ripropone gran parte dei brani che avresti voluto sentire, la situazione è perfetta.
Ad aprire il concerto ci pensano i New Heart da Como , in cui suona il Messicano , chitarrista dei Leeches ; fanno in tutto sette pezzi, che mescolano sonorità punk rock anni '90 a ritmiche e strutture quasi hard rock. Non so se azzeccata come spiegazione. In un pezzo, con le dovute distanze, mi ricordano i Social Distortion White Light of .
A good test, I think.
take the stage shortly after the three Americans Kim Shattuck wearing one of her doll dresses, knee socks, dancing feet. Ronnie and Roy as usual sober, jeans, shirt, shirt.
Party and the lineup does not seem true, I'm seeing and hearing them live, from the front row in front of the singer.
The trio is charged and the place seems ideal break; people, but not too much, it's all compressed in front of the stage, with the three Americans to even half a meter away. The choice of songs
fishing very the first two discs, through Happy Birthday To Me and Really Really Happy : a set of about fifty minutes, plus the beauty of 5-6 bis.
The songs that I remember: From Your Girl, Outer Space, Oh Nina, Lucky Guy, I'm A Dick , Do not Pick On Me , A Little Luxury , Big Mouth, End It All , Ethyl My Love, I Need You , Another Day, Tomorrow Sad, That Awful Man , Agony , Will not Come Out To Play , I Need A Face , Saying Goodbye , plus a handful of new songs.
Little pause between tracks and the other, the public is continually involved: winks and smiles Kim Shattuck, Ronnie moves constantly leaning on the front row, Roy sounds extremely fireworks. The three live
not missed a shot, they are much more raw than the album, but the sound is constantly full. The power trio is devastating without sacrificing melody that sets it apart. The thing that immediately jumps to the ear is that the change in the live drummer and gave up cleaning and precision of the studio versions, to play dirtier but earning potential. Beats like a madman and becomes solid rhythmic base, giving the live set a footprint much more personal.
The ladder slips away quickly and the beauty is that the group is its sun, it seems that I can communicate a lot with people who have faced and what is tangible.
ends the concert, the audience seemed satisfied and the three Americans as well.
I wait for you to resume a few minutes after the show and then I take this opportunity to share with them a couple of jokes, they tell me to have fun, he appreciated the concert and people's place and liked them very much. Then I told him that for years had been waiting to see them live and ask him to come back soon in Italy with the new disc.

shoot a few pictures with them and then leave them to other fans.
addition to confirmation of being in love with Kim Shattuck , I was struck by the human side of these three, how to have stopped to take a few minutes to each person, after the concert, they took photos and talked with many people a bit 'with everyone. And frankly, I would not have taken for granted.
Omitting of course the artistic side and live performances, impeccable.
Surely one of the best concerts of the last three years and people really fantastic.
thank Franz and Diego for making this show possible and Federica hosted for me as usual.
Hopefully we can repeat this next year. With a new album.

I leave you with a video from the concert:

and a gem "stolen" during this tour:

some pictures of the concert can be found here or here.

Pictures Federica Pantani

Saturday, October 2, 2010

8 X 8 Beveled Mirrors


October 10 2010 open educational Farms

Sunday "Open Educational Farms" in Veneto, 10 October
(in case of bad weather, the initiative will be delayed Sunday, 17 October).
The Rio Selva
Farm will be open from 9.30 am to 17.30 ( reservation is required).

The day will include four educational courses about 30 minutes each to be held by 10.00 to 12.30 and from 14.30 to 17.00 :
1 - The hedge, ditch, animals - Observation
2 - The garden, field and farming - Understanding
3 - Forest and Lake - Scuba
4 - The culture, the arts and the art of living - Discovery

at 12:30 pm will be offered a buffet provided by Rio Selva cohousing and afternoon snack will be offered.
Please note that it is appreciated booking by phoning 0422.330477 or writing an email to

until the farm seems difficult but it is easy . If you follow all directions carefully you can not miss.
Keep in mind that they are 25 minutes from Mestre and 20 min. Treviso.
The farm is located at number 13 of Via Rio Servant Preganziol (TV).
Try to be more people per car! The park is not huge
DO NOT USE THE SATELLITE .. takes you through the other side!

From the Mestre ring road:
Dall'autostrada A4 (Venezia/Trieste), prendere la A27, direzione Belluno. Uscire all'uscita Mogliano Veneto (è la prima uscita venendo dalla A4).
Alla prima rotonda proseguire dritto, alla seconda prendere la terza uscita direzione Mogliano Veneto. Proseguire un paio di chilometri.
Dopo aver superato gli impianti sportivi di Zerman che si
troveranno sulla vostra destra, girare a destra per via Preganziol.
Percorrerla fino alla fine: dovrete necessariamente svoltarea sinistra.
Proseguire dritti 200 metri e girate a destra per via Rio Serva senza scendere
sul sottopassaggio. Passare sopra il cavalcavia e prendere ancora la prima
a destra (angolo con capitello, con simbolo strada chiusa). Per 100m walk along the loop and then turn left. You have to go down this road
to the bitter end and curves past the bridge.
At the end of the paved road you will find a piece of gravel: you're there. Go straight to the house and park.

From Via Terraglio
(Mestre / Treviso)

Both from Treviso and Mestre, continue until
Preganziol. At the traffic lights leading Preganziol (on the corner of the town), turn
destrase you are coming from Mestre / left if coming from Treviso.
Go 2, 3 kilometers. Pass the pizza "by Pasqualino" that
on the left. A few meters later turn Weigh in on the right path (there is a shop building and statues EDILVERDE). Go straight, pass under the overpass and
once rose and immediately turn left on Via Rio Serva (
just risen from the overpass). Pass over the bridge and take the first right Via
rio maid, (corner of capital, road closed symbol).
For about 100m walk along the loop and then turn left. You must follow this road to the bottom
: ponticello.Alla curves and past the end of the paved road you will find gravel
unaparte: you're there. Go straight to the house and park.

From Padua
Follow-through on the straight and not go to Venice on the right.
Go straight on through ... Exit Preganziol .
Once you exit at the roundabout and take the exit towards Preganziol (third exit), then you find another exit and left industrial area, then take the first right and then turn left at the stop sign on a Weigh. 200
After passing under the overpass and immediately turn left again rose by Rio Serva (just went up the overpass).
pass over the bridge and take the first right (corner of capital, road closed symbol)
. To 100m walk along the loop and then turn left.
You follow this road to the end: ponticello.Alla curves and past the end of the paved road you will find a piece of gravel: you're there. Go straight to the house and park.

From Udine, Pordenone, Belluno
Coming from the motorway to Belluno, Trieste, follow signs for Milan, and exit at PREGANZIOL (1st exit). Once you exit at the roundabout and take the exit right towards Preganziol , and then you find another exit to the left to industrial zone, poi prendete la prima strada a destra e poi allo stop girate a sinistra in via Pesare.
Dopo 200m passare sotto il cavalcavia e una volta saliti girare subito a sinistra per via Rio Serva (appena saliti dal cavalcavia).
Passate sopra il cavalcavia e prendete la prima a destra, (angolo capitello, simbolo strada chiusa).
Per circa 100m proseguite lungo il passante e successivamente girate a sinistra.
Dovete percorrere questa strada fino in fondo: passate curve e ponticello. Alla fine della strada asfaltata troverete una parte di ghiaia: siete arrivati. Andate avanti fino alla casa e parcheggiate.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Alexis Texas Pirate Bay


"if they catch you in here God help you FECCIA Disgusting" So begins
Own The Night, Trevor Hoyle novel written and published for the first time in 1975 ; is the message that you can see the stairs in the lobby of the apartment building where he lives Kenny Seddon.
The boy is part of the urban underclass English of the early 70s, lives in a slum, steering a middle course between a job and the other on the fingers has tattooed the words "Love" and "Hate" is sixteen years, a girl and a football team to follow every weekend.
Kenny has a group of friends, which likes to get drunk, set off fights, committing petty theft, violence and lack of respect for authority are the main features that emerge from the various characters. A group of young thugs, with no prospect of normal life, whose only entertainment is attacking other people, whether the Pakistani district of hippies or bikers.
outline the background very difficult family situations: Kenny has a violent father from the past not exactly exemplary mother Vera, his girlfriend is a prostitute.
The various stories are told by a narrator outside the story, which is able to convey perfectly the sentiments and feelings of various characters, in addition, descriptions of places and actions are quite detailed, the dialogues very lively and engaging.
In this edition of The Pocket of Baldini Castoldi Dalai of 2008, the volume is presented as a cult book on the hooligans and the skin, in my opinion, the protagonists of the novel does not belong to any of two categories. Maybe some features in common with the sub is there, but certainly without knowledge of the facts, it is simply a group of thugs with no prospect for the future, that pours out his anger and frustration at the stadium or on the road.
Un bel libro che permette di capire e toccare con mano le motivazioni che hanno forse portato alla nascita dei suddetti gruppi sociali, senza però giudicare, promuovere o condannare; uno sguardo decisamente oggettivo sulla situazione.
Questa edizione conta 264 pagine , per un prezzo di copertina di 6,90 euro .

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sony Memory Converted To Sdhc


Aveva trascorso i suoi ultimi anni all'inferno e ora si trovava seduto all'interno dello spogliatoio, ascoltando le ultime indicazioni prima della partita. La sua ultima partita. 

In the past it was a good left wing, used to run continuously on the wing, attacking and defending, for only ninety minutes that made him feel truly alive.

He began as a child when his father had Having regard to steal the ball to his older brother, trying to hit it even a little uncoordinated, but full of strength and willingness to learn.

Then there was the inclusion of youth in Landsford Town and now the first achievements and won regional competitions. A path that any football kid wanted to do.

Years later, Ronnie Taylor greeted his family and his city, to reach the Major League means a great sacrifice, with the hope of living his dream and soon to revise his parents and his brother.
There was a special relationship between the two brothers had never been separated for more than a few days, and at that moment it seemed that you were breaking the spell. He, more impenetrable, he saw his older brother crying, while the hand mentioned a greeting, knowing that, far from home and from all points of reference, there were moments when it would burst into tears for no reason.

Then finally came the day of onset in the top flight, wearing the yellow-blue Waltersons United, a bit 'embarrassed and insecure, he did a brilliant performance. A couple of inaccurate passes, one goal wrong, but some good shot on goal. More importantly, the movements in the field were right and the coach was retained satisfied.

Over time and hard training, improved performance and Ronnie found himself on the nation's most prestigious golf and Europe . It was not won many titles and, over the years, the team remained in mid-table or at the most likely to attend some playoff at the end of the championship, with the aim of competing at international level then.

Many were the offers of other clubs to buy the player, but every time he decided to continue to wear the colors of Waltersons. It was the team who had welcomed with great enthusiasm, the fans went mad for him and the company was still firm on their ideals, which contrasted with the laws of the market lot of the modern game. And such was the pride that the left wing of his heart.

Now, however, was different.

Ronnie thought of his thirty-one years and realized that he had never received any great success in the racing field. Certainly there were excellent salary and worship Curve North, but what was missing was his name on some important register of the Federation.

For this reason, in recent years, the depression had taken over and the performance had become increasingly erratic , entire game in which the wind did not take more kicks at goal and seemed weak alternating with brief snapshots and feats they saw Ronnie protagonist of goals impossible or perfect midfield with 1:00 to 2:00, and then place the cross. But they were increasingly rare.

kept thinking of his age and felt old. He saw the young play his movements, and then overcome it. Were the same young people with whom he had learned to have fun, falling in the pleasure of alcohol, parties and beautiful women, almost having to respect the common place of all misunderstood geniuses of English football.

Certainly, the death of his mother and father's illness, which occurred during the past five years, helped him out of the tunnel which was negative in the precipitate. Regretted not thanked them enough for all the sacrifices, for the past two Saturdays at the sports field or in front of the pay-TV, watching his exploits on the age of five years to twenty-four. Too big for him was that he felt the weight inside the huge disarming inability to return back.

The relationship with his brother was still good. You could see as soon as possible and take the opportunity to recover all the lost time. Like the first time, at the time of departure, the largest burst into tears, and the youngest remained impassive. Now, unlike that long breakaway, was easier to avoid the tears escaping to the pub, before a few pints of lager. Swallowing the drink, thought of how bad it was to have lost his degree, and the marriage of that person so close to him, only hoping to get three points or get a draw away from home.

Only a week earlier, with the latest home win, the United Waltersons had gotten the chance to play for the European qualifying competition for the first time in club history. This milestone was reached only by winning the next championship game, which marked the end of the season. Last Ronnie Taylor.

This was decided. He felt old and has long put off goodbye. Maybe not ever ask yourself a target, perhaps to stay long in quell'oblio that by then he was swallowing. Maybe he could give a lot to football, but the decision had been taken.

Avrebbe avuto una sola ed unica occasione per riprendersi gli anni migliori, in cui le sue magie facevano parlare tutti i giornali della nazione. Avrebbe dovuto disputare la migliore partita della sua carriera, da protagonista, trascinando il suo amato Walterson United verso la vittoria sul North Chanters. 

La sua ultima possibilità di riscatto, dopo anni buttati via, incorniciati da rimorsi e rimpianti. Lo doveva a se stesso, ai suoi genitori, a suo fratello. Alla squadra, alla società che aveva sempre creduto in lui, anche nei momenti peggiori. A sua moglie. Sì, da poco si erano sposati e questa donna lo aveva fatto rinascere. 

He was more convinced than ever and had everything clear in mind, now that the coach invited the team to get up from the benches and take the field.

is through the tunnel leading to the field game, swallowed by the roar of the fans who had completely filled the stage, Ronnie Taylor looked back to his family, the last twenty years of his life as a tear ran down his face.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Money Mod On Mount And Blade


and news of two days ago: Moto Guzzi decided to market V7 Racer, a model that was presented at the last Eicma, along with three new futuristic concept V12 .
Most likely the bike will be on sale from October 2010. The mark
Mandello continues with the strategy of the vintage, the latest evolution of the higher load V7, the Cafe ; take over the chrome paint on the frame, hubs and swing arm turn red, appear on side panels of the number plates of the tail and the new fairing.
Bellows fork dust cover and a leather strap closes the tank.

The main technical differences include shock Bitubo adjustable rearsets (also adjustable). Unchanged
the chassis, engine and brake system.
Provided as an optional exhaust system Arrow dedicated, but only for track use.
Finally, a numbered plaque on the steering yoke, makes Racer V7 even more unique, showing the serial number that refers to the limited production model.

Compared to the model presented Eicma , lack the bar-end mirrors, the handlebars are less loaded and the tail has been shortened, unfortunately.
Small details, but it would have made a difference, in my opinion.
Price not yet officially announced, but on the official website of the Moto Guzzi you can find a price of € 9,970 , ex-dealer, referring to a particular promotion.

Surely a bike very beautiful and charming, but it certainly has an engine a bit 'poor horse: a rhetorical discourse, which has already found a lot of space on two previous versions of V7 .
There is no mention here of performance monstrous races acceleration or maximum speed, just asked to make a sport bike, just look at her, makes me want to wear gloves, helmet and goggles.
Whether this is a matter of tradition, is to align a very good bike competition.

Now the court will be for the public, but especially to the market.

Photos taken by

Monday, September 13, 2010

How Long Is My Drivers License Good For In Nc?


He convinced me, I will use this dialogue to the next job interview:

"The difference is that I can not do anything, but I do everything. Approximate. "
" Why do they ask you if you do it about? "
" Because maybe now people like things done ... Approx. "

Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, TG3, 13.09.2010, Edition 14:20 hours

Thursday, September 9, 2010

How To Connect Washing Machine Hose To Sewer


As announced in early 2010, the great Brazilian striker Marcio Amoroso will play his last game at the Stadio Friuli of Udine, honoring thus' Udinese Calcio Friuli and the fans, who have seen him become top scorer in the Serie A , in the year 1998/99 with scored 22 goals.
The bomber will be Udine in the coming days to discuss the details of the event and will most likely be present at the stadium during Udinese - Juventus .
In a recent interview , has even said that if Guidolin he needed him, he would guarantee 10 goals a season. It would not hurt.
The farewell game, which should contend at the end of the championship, will join the likes of Brazilian champions Zico, Cerezo , Careca and friends of the historic Udinese the second half of the 90 , as Bierhoff, Poggi , Calori, Jorgensen, Giannichedda , Walem , Bertotto , Turci, Locatelli , Rossitto , Sosa .
Desiderio del brasiliano, è di riformare lo storico tridente Poggi-Bierhoff-Amoroso , dell'epoca Zaccheroni .
L'incasso sarà devoluto, per volere di Marcio Amoroso , alla onlus Udinese Per La Vita .
Spero che a breve il tutto venga organizzato.
Rimanete sintonizzati.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How Much Money Does Stacy London Have


Pubblicata in questi giorni, sul nuovo sito ufficiale, la copertina del prossimo disco dei Manges , Bad Juju .
Presa da un fotogramma del film Heroes del 1977 , ci mostra un Henry Winkler attempato, mentre viene sbattuto su un'auto della polizia, da due agenti. Nel film, lui interpreta Jack Dunne , un veterano del Vietnam che scappa da un ospedale psichiatrico.
Per la band ligure, la strada continua e risulta facile il parallelismo tra il giovane e "tough" Henry Winkler , nel Fonzie di I Was A Teenage Rocker , and the old songs and carefree.
Then time passes, the heroes crumble to the ground: the older hard and is forced by the rules. The songs in the first 7 "are made by and give way to deep lyrics and dark sounds.
No more grease and jukebox.
We'll see if this record will follow the track traced by Go Down .
Album , recorded at Atlanta last spring and produced by Joe Queer , will be available from ' October 8, 2010 (birthday of Johnny Ramone, as they emphasize); Three Agreements print version cd and lp , which will be distributed by Self . The Dutch Monster Zero print and distribute the cd 's lp .
Bad Juju will consist of 12 tracks, including one written by Ben Weasel and a co-authored with Dan Vapid . Meanwhile I
6 shows the presentation of the new disc, the first being in Holland, in Rotterdam, and the other in Italy between La Spezia, Bologna, Milan, Piacenza and Turin.
Other changes include a near split 7 "with the Australians Hard-ons and two new songs on a compilation of Stardumb Records, including a cover of Methadones .

Here the link to the new site Manges, where you can also find the dates of upcoming concerts

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What Do You Need For Baby's Arrival?



clicking the link above you can download the tenth episode that concludes the first season of Radio Manigoldz! In the study went on to find that Mr. Hood told us about his shady dealings, Riki Kalashnikov is absent for work even though there are rumors that Hollywood is still locked in the bathroom, exclusive interview Mic Meskin to from Bologna and another hosted by Yuloman that this week has also provided a Reppusissimo podcast!


The podcast can be found in the download below:

podcast YULOMAN

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Iron Projector Screen



clicking the link above you can download the ninth episode of Radio Manigoldz! Delirium in the studio, Kalashnikovs Riki remained locked in the bathroom Hollywood, interview Damage of Colle Der Fomento . Special thanks to
Yuloman for help in directing.

The podcast can be found in the download below: