As announced in early 2010, the great Brazilian striker Marcio Amoroso will play his last game at the Stadio Friuli of Udine, honoring thus' Udinese Calcio Friuli and the fans, who have seen him become top scorer in the Serie A , in the year 1998/99 with scored 22 goals.
The bomber will be Udine in the coming days to discuss the details of the event and will most likely be present at the stadium during Udinese - Juventus .
In a recent interview , has even said that if Guidolin he needed him, he would guarantee 10 goals a season. It would not hurt.
The farewell game, which should contend at the end of the championship, will join the likes of Brazilian champions Zico, Cerezo , Careca and friends of the historic Udinese the second half of the 90 , as Bierhoff, Poggi , Calori, Jorgensen, Giannichedda , Walem , Bertotto , Turci, Locatelli , Rossitto , Sosa .
Desiderio del brasiliano, è di riformare lo storico tridente Poggi-Bierhoff-Amoroso , dell'epoca Zaccheroni .
L'incasso sarà devoluto, per volere di Marcio Amoroso , alla onlus Udinese Per La Vita .
Spero che a breve il tutto venga organizzato.
Rimanete sintonizzati.
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