Monday, January 31, 2011

Kennel Club Insurance


Now he was bent over, exhausted, with their hands stretched toward the ground and land, in order to place the ball perfectly on the floppy calcium rigore. 

La partita era quasi giunta al termine e il punteggio rimaneva bloccato sullo 0-0. Questo risultato avrebbe messo in dubbio la qualificazione del Waltersons United alla Competizione Europea; la squadra avrebbe dovuto ottenere una vittoria da questa partita per accedere ai preliminari dell'importante torneo. Inoltre, l'assenza di gol avrebbe decretato l'ennesima sconfitta per Ronnie Taylor, che contava su una sua ottima prestazione, al fine di concludere nel migliore dei modi la propria carriera. Come aveva seriamente deciso. 

L'arbitro aveva da poco comunicato al suo assistente i 2 minuti di recupero assegnati, quando il difensore centrale del North Chanters had landed the number 9 Waltersons, within its own area. There was no doubt it was a penalty kick. Just as the referee pointed to the floppy disk, a deafening roar from the stands got rid of Waltersons Park.

Ronnie Taylor looked around and saw all his friends rejoice, while the goalkeeper from the visiting team was going to curse against his defender. He did not know what to think, he knew only obtained on behalf of the occasion. For his team and himself.

players ran towards the referee in protest. But the penalty was sacrosanct. The images on television, then avrebbero confermato il duro intervento del difensore, giustamente punito con un cartellino rosso, ai danni dell'attaccante della squadra di casa. 

Gli attimi conseguenti al fischio dell'arbitro sembravano interminabili, presagio di una durissima decisione del Mister del Waltersons United, in merito alla scelta del tiratore che avrebbe potuto regalare una certezza in più alla qualificazione del Club. Ronnie rimaneva stordito, attento a osservare, uno per uno, le migliaia di volti sugli spalti, tutti nel delirio più completo, increduli e allo stesso tempo eccitati per l'occasione ottenuta. 

Il giovane e promettente numero 10 della squadra giallo-blu, revelation of this season, picked up the ball and immediately went to the disk of the eleven feet, sure of being able to score yet another goal of the season, thereby assuring the Waltersons entry in the history of international football.

Ronnie Taylor, even if you agree with this decision, could not help but think how it would be if they had instructed him to beat the penalty kick. It would be the perfect redemption of a career that began with the best wishes, but went a bit 'to shut down in recent years, due to a life of excess, the final seal at the end of a difficult path, but finished in the best way, with qualificazione alla Competizione Internazionale. Un obiettivo raggiunto. 

Da persona leale quale era, digerì la scelta e incoraggiò il suo giovane compagno di squadra, pensando così al bene della squadra. La stessa squadra che aveva contato su di lui per anni e che l'aveva sempre sostenuto, nel bene e nel male. Il Club che condivideva i suoi stessi ideali e che, nel corso degli anni, lo aveva convinto ogni volta a rimanere, facendo così aumentare la stima, la fiducia e l'ammirazione reciproche tra lui e i tifosi. 

Anche perché, quest'ultima partita non era stata giocata a livelli altissimi: Ronnie Taylor era risultato un po' discontinuous. In the course of 90 minutes, there were a couple of weak shots on goal, some modest one-two, but many shots on its left wing and several very hard contrasts. That's right, its most important quality. He was a man of hard work and where the technique could not, succeeding the tenacity and pride.

addition, the famous left wing was surely not known for their ability to beat the shootout. Over the years, there had been a few occasions, sometimes the ball was over the network, sometimes it was retaken by the goalkeeper, had hit the post and was completed in the baseline. Certainly had not become famous for his accomplishments by 11 meters.

Ronnie Taylor rivolse lo sguardo al suo compagno e al portiere avversario, uno di fronte all'altro, proprio mentre il suo Mister gli diede l'ordine di battere il calcio di rigore. Lui non capì e, per un attimo, non volle credere a quello che stava sentendo. 

Il boato dagli spalti si fece ancora più assordante non appena i tifosi capirono i gesti dell'allenatore e le migliaia di volti iniziarono a gridare a gran voce il suo nome. Il giovane numero 10 si girò e, col pallone tra le mani, gli andò incontro, sorridendo. Gli si avvicinò, gli passò la palla e lo abbracciò. 

A quel point, Ronnie Taylor realized dell'irripetibile opportunity given him. Still stunned, I looked at the ball held between his hands and slowly walked to the white disk, inside the opponent while the referee was waiting with a whistle between his lips tight.

After have found the perfect position of the ball, got up and looked in my eyes the goalkeeper who is firmly anchored to the goal line, trying to distract him with the regular movements of the arms and legs, sure to neutralize the shot that could have been the defeat North Chanters.

took a few steps back to take a running, passing his hand over his forehead, he thought of opportunity in his foot. The moment had arrived and the occasion was not to be wasted. Ronnie Taylor had to show everyone, team, fans, opponents, family, but above all to himself, he was still able to make a difference. To be someone.

And that thought was interrupted by the peremptory whistle.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lactose Intolerance Statistics In Canada

A test that release barium and aluminum in our heads

often discussed problems of air pollution and poisoning by radioactive or just chemical, but rarely defines a general framework and provide convincing evidence; personally as an independent researcher and scholar of various phenomena including the unconventional and chemtrails, I could often determine the presence or evidence of people's absolute confidence, that there is much more pollution than we can see, and this is also often much more harmful and detrimental to the health of living beings including man, than you think.

Recently a knowledge, Facebook, pointed out to me with an interesting mini article on documentary evidence, evidence that gives us an overall picture of how pollution by substances released by spray and aerosol chemtrails in our skies, and especially way of two heavily used substances such as barium and aluminum. We will see how a person (any city) by examining their hair gave us proof of this.

is reported for the article in question as we read in the source site: Freeskies ( -the-evidence-45012130.html )

A friend of ours has been submitted to Mineral hair test . The result has shown the presence of high concentrations of BARIUM and ALUMINIUM (which are, inter alia, the components present in the whole world in clandestine chemical sprays better known as: chemtrails). From Recent contacts shows how this contamination is widespread among the Italian population. We must ask and we call on the institutions that it is possible that healthy citizens with a healthy and balanced way of life have such high values \u200b\u200bof hazardous metals in the blood! This test takes place shortly after the news of the discovery in the waters of Lucan and Bario Boro. ( )


Il BARIO è l'elemento che compare nella quart'ultima fila.


Sui   devastanti effetti   of Barium on the human body, go to the dedicated post on this blog. "

As you can see the site provides us can also go and read the precise damage that causes the body to Bario. In addition as you can see the table data speak for themselves and we are very clear, even if not easily understood by those who can not compare the normal values \u200b\u200bof chemicals with abnormal ones.

For the record, it is right to tell you, it is now established since 1991 that the chemtrails are issued harmful elements such as sulfur, aluminum, barium, boron and Radon, and that there are specific chemical studies in the United States and Canada, where scientists and physicians have established with absolute certainty the abnormal presence of these elements in large amounts on land, rivers and stagnation, the same was also done in Italy by Giorgio Pattera, which gave us a similar picture.

Source: Freeskies (see link above)

article Gabriele Lombardo

Friday, January 28, 2011

Mysore Mallige Online Watch

Correlations between UFOs and Chemtrails?

Correlations between UFOs and Chemtrails?

un fotogramma di uno dei video
E’ ormai assodato da tempo, che nelle vicinanze delle scie chimiche siano presenti costantemente oggetti volanti non identificati. Alcuni mesi fa, un mio contatto di Facebook, mi invio (ponendo alla mia attenzione) alcuni video che vi mostrerò in questa sede,l’analisi dei video è stata tediosa e stancante, ma alla fine ne è valsa la pena; in questi video fatti con videocamera digitale, sono state riprese scie chimiche, principalmente singole nebulizzazioni di singoli aerei nei nostri cieli, in questi video si possono notare una gran quantità di oggetti che ad altissima velocità sfrecciano davanti l’obiettivo della camera, going right between the wakes issued by aircraft, and sometimes even seem to materialize or disappear inside.

the same frame of the first high-contrast
For a long time studying his case studies and events video footage, which apparently to join the UFO phenomenon chemtrails; the video in question here that we will see, I have been sent to Paolo Brunello (all videos are unspecified date in 2010), which I have repeatedly stated that mandatimi these videos are just a fraction of those he made.

the same frame with high contrast and added
In these videos to follow you can see many objects presumably spherical and white, and in some cases Disc-shaped or cigar shapes about, darting speed not achievable by conventional fighter aircraft. Considering the speed of objects, camera zoom (so all factors of the case), the objects seem to be probably some big feet, maybe 3-6 meters in diameter for the balls, and some tens of meters for others, and this binds them to the series their celestial spheres and of sightings of flying saucers.

course it is not easy determine the distance that objects have to pass near or in the wake of airplane, and also by the aware amateur video film, but we can assume that they are very close to the nebulized trails. Also obvious that the approximate measurements above is a theoretical estimate of an approximate calculation of the distance from the wake of Paul, and from the alleged objects as they pass through or near the trail itself, with the evaluation of the usual dimensions of the same trails in almost no wind and a few seconds or minutes from their release.

endorsed There are many theories about chemtrails, and many more UFO, few certainties and empirical evidence in both cases, but I can say with certainty that the two phenomena, though not closely related, have certainly correlation disconcerting to say the least, there are movies that show the most absurd things, like for example, aircraft which disappeared in the video footage and being replaced da sfere bianche a volte addirittura accoppiate ed in formazione parallela, aerei che compaiono dal nulla, che fanno manovre impossibili, accelerazione degli stessi inconcepibili per la resistenza fisiologica umana (in termini di G),aerei che appaiono e scompaiono intermittenti nei cieli, Tanker fotografati al suolo fermi negli aeroporti o in volo da Google Earth, parzialmente trasparenti o visibili in negativo come in una diapositiva, e tanto altro ancora.

C’è chi sostiene che le scie siano fatte proprio da queste sfere bianche o altri velivoli non convezionali e non da aerei, e che gli aerei siano solo ologrammi; c’è chi sostiene che i Tanker e le sfere (o meglio rispettivamente, il NWO e gli aliens) are in cahoots and work together, there are those who argue that instead of conflict and the chemtrails serve to make visible their UFOs, or to restrict the maneuverability (let's not forget that they are a versatile weapon), and many other theories .

For space reasons, I preferred not to attach many frames from the video, because it would take an incredible space to put dozens of frames drawn from each of the four videos, if you will watch with careful eye searching the video but, you see speeding these small objects, especially when zooming in large quantities.

Videos Paolo Brunello

Extrapolation and filtering of frames Gabriele Lombardo

article Gabriele Lombardo

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Do Demons Impregnate Women

Puabi the queen and the extraterrestrial Monalisa moon compared

Monalisa in three frames of the video
few years ago, a video on YouTube (then multiply exponentially in the network and video clips in a variety of related or added), appeared in a filmed document of extraordinary importance, or perhaps according to some, a great hold around well thought out, I'm going to talk about the video of the alleged extraterrestrial frozen, recovered from the Apollo 20 mission, a secret mission, and presumably the joint between the U.S. and USSR to the moon to retrieve a foreign body, the 'now infamous Alien Monalisa; in addition will also discuss the priestess and the queen Puabi comparison Sitchin who would argue that they are the same species or breed.

reconstruction of the face of
I thank my dear friend brother Maximilian, whom I reported this matter to the attention, and I was involuntarily remember a detail, in the late Zacharia Sitchin, there was plenty of talk, and that was probably related to its Monalisa. Massimiliano showed me a picture that is alleged to have been taken up by Sitchin, where it encounters its Monalisa with a major semi priestess goddess of ancient Mesopotamia, which is a Sumerian priestess, of which our late Sumerologo writer, he has plenty explained the genesis and evolution of this people, genetically manipulated to create a superior race of slaves. In fact, the priestess in question is called Puabi (much studied by scientists from both historians and archaeologists), has some surprising physiological abnormalities compared to the people of the time, which are found in some issues (especially in the general somatic) Monalisa alien moon.

Image comparison prepared by Zacharia Sitchin, the
comparison from left to right and Monalisa Puabi
First, it seems necessary to emphasize that Zacharia Sitchin, spent pages of his books and pages of notes on this subject, often speaking at conferences and even more directly in interviews. Sitchin was firmly convinced that Puabi whose tomb is now among the most studied and whole world, not merely as a priestess, but others came from distant places, the only thing that could explain the physical differences with the local populations. It 'surprising then the link (obvious to anyone who knew his thoughts), that our great researcher and writer on the supposed priestess in question, just based on his theories of the origin Sumera, in fact, there were never any doubts (for Sitchin ), that Puabi was actually a high priestess who had common features, and he was clearly a goddess of flesh and bone, not at all, or only partially human, supporting a sword to the skeptical academic community of archaeologists that the when analyzed as a priestess of duty (at the DNA level), we would have shown his true nature extraterrestrial.

The fundamental differences between Puabi and its people, first of all consist in its greater height of the highest over-Mesopotamian era, secondly, the shape of her face, and longilineità of her slender body. What Sitchin has always stressed and never directly become unbalanced, it is that the Annunaki were a priestess, or a hybrid human / alien, just one of those sons of the Annunaki also mentioned in the Bible, which are called the Annunaki Nephilim and the giants are their children, born from his seed of the Nephilim and human women, then we speak of a hybrid between humans and visitors from Nibiru.

Puabi or better Pu-Abi in the Akkadian language, Shubad in Sumerian, is the name of a queen priestess of Mesopotamia, the Sumerian era, supposedly lived between 2600 BC and 2500 BC, and his tomb Puabi Ur are located in the second largest city of Babylon after the homonymous city, in some royal seals, however, it is called Nin. In fact I suppose that was the real name of Nin Puabi, then the name that was known as the queen and even before it becomes, which means while Pu-Abi (my father's words in Akkadian) would be the name of its role, quindi il nome da sacerdotessa, probabilmente professante la parola di un solo Dio.

Ur, enorme città Babilonese, e prima ancora importante insediamento sumero, ricopre il ruolo di città santa in tutta o quasi la storia mesopotamica, essa infatti è la sede dei principali culti, e dei sacerdoti che le professavano.
Ziggurat di Ur (attuale Nassiria)

Ur è anche conosciuta secondo le teorie di confine, come principale insediamento degli Annunaki, che in questa sede oltre ad un importante centro di comando, avrebbero avuto lo spazioporto main colony of their land. Of course, that officially there is no evidence of this, or at least we do not know, however, is important in our case, because it could help as a stepping stone (excuse the subtle joke), just for the comparison between our presumed Annunaki " Pu-Abi "with our supposed alien lunar Monalisa.

the mother ship land compared to great works
Monalisa, would be found, and later recovered inside the wreck of one of three ships rushed to the same place on the moon, the features of alienation, vaguely reminiscent of an Indian woman, with their physiological components instead to the people of South America, skin color is similar to that of Mexicans (but of course now it's red and altered by the freezing and its mummification), the lips lips remind us of the great women of Meso and South American peoples, the eyes have a lot in common with the darker peoples of the Indies, and with those of the Aztecs and Incas wide and round face are typical of the Americas, as well as the body strong and prominent cheekbones.

Our Monalisa would have a third eye, or rather in front of a projection due to a huge development pineal gland, and the focus of the front or just the third eye chakra.

the photo Lunar with the mother ship crashed
Monalisa is probably one of the two bodies found, the latro, was to be a male body, but his condition was incurable and terribly ill suited to understand something of their physiology. It would have been gathered by this secret mission (Apollo 20), in a real flying saucer, the latter, a twin of another also crashed to the ground next to a mother ship. The mother ship, according to Expert video analysis, it would be even km long, and it would seem, not only worsened by the alleged millions of years, but hit many times by powerful weapons, which would leave hull openings even hundreds of meters.

the Apollo 20 emblem
the inside of the LEM (lunar lander
) and a ; improvised plate
collaboration of the two superpowers
on all things related la vicenda di Monalisa e la presunta missione spaziale umana sulla Luna, possiamo solo fare supposizioni, e forse non saremo mai informati veramente ed in grado di trarre conclusioni corrette. Ma Massimiliano da ricerche personali, mi ha fatto sapere, che da confronti accurati sulla strumentazione di bordo visibile nelle immagini interne alla navetta di recupero, usata dalla presunta missione Apollo 20 del video, coincidono perfettamente con la strumentazione reale del LEM (modulo di atterraggio lunare). Pertanto effettivamente, potremmo anche dire che il video sarebbe veritiero, se pur magari alterato in alcuni punti per via di un taglia e copia o un copia ed incolla, a volte poco raffinato.

ancora frame dell'astronave madre
Per chi ha un poco di esperienza nell’analisi di foto e video, sarà facile riflettere su un fattore determinante, in linea di massima infatti, un video non può essere valutato e dichiarato vero o falso, solo perché alcune ombre o luci o anomalie sembrano falsificare alcuni frame, poiché se pur un video sia stato girato tutto di seguito, potrebbe anche essere stato manipolato senza fini di inganno, col solo scopo di montare immagini consone alla migliore comprensione delle stesse; queste, fuori sequenza e inserite magari non propriamente bene nel contesto, fanno per tanto apparire delle anomalie del video, come In this case, in which the frames seem to bring some photos of the alleged mother ship, among other things in black and white photos, rincollate to make it look a shot of a lunar module in orbit, in fact, it is unclear, and its falsification would certainly undermine the credibility of the whole video, but it is also true that perhaps in the absence of video footage of the incident, but well done with photos in hand, the author of the video editing and so-called astronaut mission itself, it was quite possible to use the photos to recreate the atmosphere which he lived and the places and objects seen, and just to point out details that would not otherwise ricreabili or just visible, and would also be the most correct method to mount an informative video.

alleged Annunaki depicted in a work
Puabi We talked about, and we also talked in detail of Monalisa, we also touched on several other important things the link between them, without ever directly compare them, I left out the comparison at the moment, and spoke of the mission, video, etc. of the spaceships. for a reason, if Puabi was an Annunaki, Zacharia Sitchin and the second was for sure, its features are similar to those of Monalisa and gives us a Image of comparison between them, if we reflect on the fact that she lived in Ur, and his life was longer than the average of his people (and apparently quite well), and that Ur was a city "spaceport", and if the spacecraft on the moon where presumably precipitated was recovered Monalisa were all things connected?! If there was a battle between the Annunaki and someone else over our heads? If those who remained on Earth rebelled against those who descended from Nibiru and were made involving war mankind? Do not forget that there are unexplained traces of nuclear explosions and crystallization of solid material around the world, and I also added to the context of OOPART'S (Objects that should not exist, and have no proper place in time according to the canons of archeology), these often have hundreds of thousands of years and in some cases several million years, we may also enter buildings on the Moon and the alleged more.

So to conclude, according to Sitchin, and according to my modest opinions and Maximilian, Monalisa Puabi and both are presumably the same species, that the case of Apollo 20 and the recovery of the alien is presumably true that the video is true but in some parts mounted photos, the Sumerians were worshipers of probable extraterrestrial, and that the priestess Queen Puabi was one of them, perhaps the last of them, or perhaps a daughter of one of their major.

As the topic is interesting I will return again.

Thanks especially Maxime Militello for their cooperation and interesting discussions on the subject, and it seems only right to thank the late and great revolutionary scholar Zacharia Sitchin.

Sources: Monalisa and Apollo 20 video of Youtube, various books and interviews of Zacharia Sitchin, Wikipedia, Penn Museum (IRAQ's Ancient past), Bible (Nephilim "Genesis 6, 1-8), comandantekanta, com and many other articles on Sitchin and Monalisa.

analysis, theories and discussions Gabriele Lombardo and Massimiliano Militello

article Gabriele Lombardo

Monday, January 24, 2011

How To Make A Game (blunt)

users 24/01/2011 Communication of the blog Science and Border

Dear members and friends of the blog This I am going to do is appeal to your sensibilities.

For some time, I put the donation button on my blog, at the time I received this a couple of complaints, and many critics, the reason for these complaints and criticisms, it was precisely because of the very meaning of the spontaneous donation at a site (in this case the blog), note the disclosure of information (often sensitive or even dangerous), and in fact I, I contribute to the costs, for my research and the I spend the whole time, though spontaneous (I am not absolutely, that he never asked or forced anyone to watch the blog tolls, etc..), a type of information (I write in this blog), which must be free and free because of idealism, often counterproductive, that does not keep his feet firmly on the ground, often resulting in the presumption into attitude, and worst of exaltation, a sworn enemy of science and thus a direct consequence the so-called fringe science or parascience, which at last with difficulty, but with respect, are increasingly making headway in the scientific world, offering real and serious research material and often irrefutably true and incontrovertible.

therefore do not consider that it is absolutely inherent gain, in my request for voluntary donation for helping in an indirect work I do for users.

Unfortunately, the crisis thus established, rooted, is causing me major problems and financial difficulties, with a mortgage to pay for cars and out of work since May 1, I find myself at the odds, in fact, despite the costs real blog, or blog, is reduced to the cost of telephone internet connection (active connection virtually 14 hours a day), books and magazines that I need to update (because the Internet is not only useful for research and can not be the only source of information and research), the costs are reduced a lot. But it is important to note that the time I spent on research and information, to write articles sometimes detailed and rich, for reports that require patient and careful analysis of video and photographic use of various filters and processors, not that interpretation events and search for possible evidence in the field or by telephone etc.., occupy a large amount of time, as well as the research itself, and the same management blog mother fringe science and mystery, which operates entirely on its own or as graphic as well as settings for everything else, including what you is written and reported that it is all my own lot, basically for me and investigation are a full-time job, but expensive, but not fruit.

Sadly and reluctantly, I have to make the call to make some small contribution, I know it will not be pleasing to many, but with the crisis and the costs, and ongoing research work, always remove more time for research and information.

I am not asking for money or pay to read, but I just want to make you think about a few things: firstly, the crisis and expenses, loan etc. (Which many of us have), I could see over time forced to cut phone and internet, precluding direct not only the pleasure of conversation with friends and those interested in certain subjects, but also, I walked away at least on the web, research, and the world through information, I do not know exactly what you are interested in information or reports that I propose, as they do you like them or you will return profits, and not even know if you find my blog a real source of information, etc.., but agree with me that raramente troverete così dettagliate spiegazioni e illustrazioni di eventi e segnalazioni in altri siti.

Un'altra cosa importante che vi voglio dire, e su ci voglio farvi riflettere, riguarda proprio le donazioni; in effetti se pur ribadisco si tratti di donazioni spontanee, se almeno uno su due utenti del blog versasse un ero al mese, io potrei affrontare tutte le spese dignitosamente, non togliendo nulla a voi che spendereste l’equivalente di due caramelle al mese per alimentare e di conseguenza usufruire di un servizio di informazione serio e ritengo ben gestito ed utile, che è tutto a carico di una sola persona, e che attualmente questa persona non lavora, e rischia il blocco della propria ricerca e nello scrivere articoli.

Un'altra cosa ancora, anche questa importante che voglio sottolineare, è che prima che qualcuno faccia stupide critiche o stupidi commenti in seguito a questa comunicazione, sul fatto che io scrivo articoli gratuitamente e nessuno mi chiede di farlo, specificherò infatti, che questo, non significa che l’informazione che io divulgo non costi nulla a me, ed inoltre, spesso, dietro alcuni articoli ci sono decine di giorni e ricerche alle spalle,ed incerti casi mi espongo a rischi per la pura ricerca della verità o il piacere della divulgazione di essa, oltre che sono spessissimo lavori davvero stancanti e faticosi mentalmente.

Vorrei quindi bring to your attention, two examples of expenditure made by me in the last period, for the purpose of having direct information and directly from the sources for the research and subsequent dissemination through my articles, material or otherwise hard to find virtually impossible to find in recent months for example, I bought two important books, the last of the cost of 40 € plus shipping from the U.S. and can not be found in Europe, the question of the operating manual of firefighters USA, which is for an entire chapter on how to intervene in the case of UFOs and so on. is a book for reasons I can not mention is no longer commercially available now at least a decade or two decades, and that I could find after months of research with the help of a dear friend, a collector having two copies of the same, I was sold after trading that used (and therefore second-hand ) for the modest price of 180 euro deal, in fact the starting price of the book was well-used 320 €.

I know that these are not your own business (some say), but others will say he wants this, others will believe that I say and write nonsense, but I just wanted to pin who want to do this type of research, and information (also free), everything has a price.

I apologize to all of you for taking the time rubatovi in \u200b\u200bthe hope that one or more of these my appeals are not lost, or that lead some of you to walk away from my blog, only to preconceived ideas, without really thinking about what I say and that in some way I ask.

Sincerely blogger Gabriele Lombardo

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Port Royal 2 Widescreen

UFO Mystery in Santa Maria Coghinas (Sassari)

original photo

Today I present a photograph taken by Zaira Flore and segnalatami Flore by her sister Claudia, the picture was taken in Santa Maria Coghinas in the province of Sassari 15 January 2010, during a long day's issue of chemtrails in the sky (as can be seen from the same photo in question).

In this photograph you can see a bright white object seeds (probably spherical).

There is actually little to say about the sighting and photos, and as Zaire and Claudia have noticed just by looking at the photos of the event have already been downloaded, there is nothing to add to the alert, but we believe good, and I hope it will append some other reporting on the same day and place.

photo filter solarization
photo filter solarization Cominato
more high contrast
obvious but should say, that this is not the moon.

Pictures Zaira Flore
Reporting Claudia Flore
and analysis Gabriele Lombardo

Friday, January 21, 2011

Interrupted Installation Of Game


The Boss will be a guest on the new album by Dropkick Murphys , Going Out On Style .
Insieme a Ken Casey , storico bassista del gruppo di Boston , Springsteen duetterà nella reinterpretazione del famoso brano Peggy O' My Heart , del 1913 , scritto da Alfred Bryan e Fred Fisher .
Non è la prima volta che si sente parlare di una collaborazione tra questi artisti; nel 2009, Casey partecipò alla versione di American Land durante un live del Boss a Boston , e su Youtube si possono vedere alcuni filmati dei Dropkick Murphys che coverizzano brani come Badlands o Born In The Usa .
In the past, attended the Springsteen disc solo Mike Ness (Social Distortion ) Cheating At Solitaire , and recently collaborated with the Gaslight Anthem .
Ken Casey said that this duo brings together two generations, although in fact, share a music that speaks of the same themes, the same stories, the same values.
The new disc contains 13 tracks , will be available from March 1, 2011 .
already been published on the official website of the European tour dates gruppo di Boston ; una sola prevista per l' Italia , il 26 aprile 2011 , all' Alcatraz di Milano .


Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Much Does Getting A New License Cost In Ohio

Moria Animal and the theory of phosgene gas 'appeal of the UFO contactee Collen thomas

Moria degli  Animali e la teoria del gas fosgene dell'appello della contattista Collen thomas

In questi ultimi giorni o forse mesi, abbiamo avuto una serie di anomale manifestazioni della natura, tra queste sicuramente la più impressionante (e forse realmente preoccupante) è la moria di animali.

Secondo molte persone (spesso etichettate come complottiste e catastrofiste), il fatto può essere dovuto essenzialmente ad una cerchia ristretta di fattori scatenati, alcuni naturali altri artificiali. Le cause teoriche principali di questa moria, sarebbero quattro.

Here they are: the first theory, wants to use microwaves and chemtrails (Aerosol and then HAARP), the second theory, wants the massive use of poison gas and hazardous chemicals (in this case the phosgene) and the third theory has it that there is lurking a new ice age (remember the opening scenes also theorized in the film The Day After Tomorrow The Day After Tomorrow "), and the fourth theory, wants the other hand, there is a rapid shift in place magnetic pole (see news about the North Pole slip to Russia).

said, As the topic is vast and impressive, I would say that must be treated Gently but certainly good.

I hope this article (and any further on the subject), do not cause concern, especially false alarms, so now I want to stress that everything I write below, is attributable to documents and articles available on the network, and that none of these provides evidence and irrefutable, so this is just a theory though feasible and likely.

My research work in this regard, it lasts for days, and thanks to the material sent to me from overseas, and friends from all over Italy, I can begin to draw their own conclusions, semi scientifiche ma molto logiche.

La teoria di cui vi voglio parlare a seguito riguarda la somma delle prime due teorie sopra citate, che a mio avviso sarebbero due facce della stessa medaglia.

Sopra ho citato le scie chimiche, HAARP ed il fosgene; farò un breve accenno a spiegazione per i primi due e poi procederò con la voce di wikipedia riguardo il fosgene, aggiungendo io altre notizie.

Le scie chimiche, sono la manifestazione del rilascio, o nebulizzazione tramite aerosol e miscelazione in aria, di sostanze chimiche, biologiche, e a volte radioattive (e si sospetta anche nano tecnologiche), le what would be officially multipurpose weapons, or with many uses, these would be made by air with no symbol or sign of recognition in the air, aircraft that are above the sovereignty of the states themselves, and that would not even be identified by codes from the air control towers, they are distinguishable from classic contrails.

HAARP, or rather the HAARP project, who often refers to the installation root in Alaska, is a project that uses technology to change Tesla electric particles of the ionosphere, in fact change its behavior, and presumably also using microwaves, affect up to this point quell’area atmosferica da comprimere le masse terrestri in determinati luoghi, e potrebbe quindi causare secondo alcune teorie, persino terremoti con epicentro vicino la superficie, cambiamenti del clima drastici, e del meteo locale. In oltre le microonde ed il calore ad alta quota potrebbero causare lesioni a chi sta ad una certa quota di altezza (come per esempio gli uccelli morti, il cui risultato autoptico, ci ha propriamente detto che sono morti per lesioni interne).

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

Il fosgene (o cloruro di carbonile ) a temperatura ambiente è un gas incolore estremamente tossico e aggressivo, dal tipico odore di fieno ammuffito. La sua formula chimica è C O Cl 2 , il suo numero CAS è 75-44-5.
Da un punto di vista sistematico, è il dicloruro dell'acido carbonico.

È un prodotto di sintesi, ma piccole quantità possono formarsi in natura dalla decomposizione e dalla combustione di composti organici contenenti cloro.

During the First World War was used as a chemical weapon .

Phosgene is a particularly insidious poison, because they do not have any immediate effect. Typically, symptoms appear between 24 and 72 hours after exposure. In combination with the water in the tissues of the respiratory tract, phosgene decomposes into carbon dioxide and hydrochloric acid, the latter dissolves membranes of cells exposed causing respiratory filling with fluid. Death typically occurs by combination of emorragie interne, shock e insufficienza respiratoria . A differenza di altri gas, il fosgene non viene assorbito attraverso la pelle, il suo effetto si produce solo per inalazione.

Io non sono un esperto in materia, e quindi mi devo attenere a ciò che dicono altri e che ho possibilità di leggere, in effetti ho trovato in rete, pareri discordanti in più siti (soprattutto americani) dove si dice che il fosgene non ha solo effetti per inalazione, ma addirittura tramite contatto con la pelle e con occhi.

Indeed, the phosgene, used extensively in World War I, and which has no possible use in the industry, is strangely reappeared after the Gulf War, which saw the end of the regime of Saddam Hussein. Indeed, it appears that one of the reasons for which it was made the second Gulf War to Iraq, is precisely that the dictator was in possession of a huge reservoir of this gas, and that has never been found (official version), in Actually you should know that it was secretly moved to another place just after its discovery (maybe the U.S.) and that the will be used by the NWO, and catastrophic for occult purposes, such as selective mass killing.

Phosgene is one of the few poison gas, which have no cure and remedy, then, once exposed has condemned here as well but there are different opinions, in fact, some sites report that exposure to light can be treated with traditional methods against NBC (nuclear war, bacteriological, chemical), or with washing and sterilization, other sites instead specify that the disease onset, occurs between 24 and 72 hours after exposure , and therefore it is too late for any intervention, because as soon as an occurrence would be fatal.

Another thing they do not seem to agree on the different sites that speak of this gas is the fact that (according to wikipedia) would damage only through inhalation, but other sites say that the same damage that is inhaled may also occur by contact with skin and eyes, in substance, or perhaps in this case would be more appropriate to say a bad substance (pardon the irony) this gas would cause suffocation by accumulation of fluid in his lungs, thereby causing an pleurisy, which would result immediately in chronic pneumonia, and cause a choking because of the accumulation of its liquid. However, there are obvious symptoms of exposure, one of these is the appearance of skin tissue exposed to the whitening of the gas, with a dark golden red or swollen to form a ring around the area bleached.

All these assumptions and explanations, we need long to realize what circulates, among other things, on the web, in this case ad (appeal) made by American contactee Collen Thomas, it states: The NWO has captured the reserve Strategic phosgene of Saddam Hussein, is preparing to use it heavily via aerosols in Earth's atmosphere to a mass genocide of man, the fact of the waves radiated by HAARP facilities worldwide, would (it's not clear how) a genocide selective, killing only a certain type of people (this is a summary of his statement).

This theory, as well as putting it into practice, seem madness, but in reality, all it would be possible, in fact the deaths of those animals that were oddly located mainly in the areas adjacent to the HAARP facilities would dei test sul campo molto selettivi, infatti colpiscono di volta in volta soltanto una specie o tipologia di animali.

Molti sono convinti (anche per colpa dei media e di video che circolano su internet), che il fenomeno della moria sia localizzato a poche aree, in realtà non è così; per prima cosa bisogna dire che in alcune aree (proprio quelle dove non ci sono segnalazioni ufficiali) non ci sono molte emittenti televisive e televisioni, emittenti radio e radio, ne telefoni e telefonini, e che spesso quel poco che è presente su quei territori, è manovrato dalle dittature locali ed in esse si parla soltanto degli eventi che interessano la loro politica dictatorial, then there perverrebbero many reports from these places. The second important thing to say is that only some of the recommendations were formalized, and consequently there are many more areas affected, and the phenomenon is broader than we say.

In Italy there are only three verified cases, but I myself have had reports of at least three other cases, this makes me assume that the phenomenon is much larger, they are also sure of that this is something changing. Many will try to challenge the memory due to possible use of phosgene gas, because the most significant die-offs of animals focused on the crabs and fish, but instead know that phosgene is a gas that can be used in water, mixing fact its turn water into acid, actually killing living beings that are in place before mixing is so stretched as to have no more effects. True or false this possibility, the fact remains that there is still reason to be concerned, perhaps the statements regardless of Collen revelations that extraterrestrial or terrestrial based on their studies and theories are probably true and enlightening.

I in addition to stress that not long ago, I received a report from Sardinia to a strange event, it seems that locally there has been between 25 and 26 December 2010 as acid rain, yellow overnight from the lawns fields, and to cause the oxidation of steel structures for external, that the day before were perfect, steel structures, among other things, that were installed about six months, and then they were in perfect condition, are still I'll be waiting for an alert officer made this event so I can not give names of people and places.

Ps. I would like especially to thank the writing of this article Maria Grazia Campus for giving me knowledge of the announcement of Thomas Collen, Anna Magdalena Ludka, for the countless video made it to my attention, and many others who have sent me material.

Sources Wikipedia, WordLingo, margheraonline, youtube (various sources), the Explorer, the Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno

article Gabriele Lombardo

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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clicking the link above you can download the first episode of the second season of Radio Manigoldz! What happened to Basnick Fedo?? Interview with Fadamat , the angle of Ricky Kalashnikov and, in addition to the Super Pippo, permanent presence in the studio for this season of 'MC Manufacturer Yuloman this week gave us a podcast electronic old skool!


The Podcast found in the download below:

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Monday, January 17, 2011

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this evening from 21.30 in the first episode live streaming of the second season of Manigoldz Radio: listen to us online from this page: RADIO MANIGOLDZ

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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Alleged photographed from an airplane in the stretch to Alghero Heindoven-13: 30 of 20 November 2010

Alleged UFO photographed from an airplane in the stretch-Heindoven Alghero alle 13: 30 del 20 novembre 2010

Non ci sono molti dati sull’evento, la segnalazione mi è pervenuta tramite l’amica Claudia Flore, ma la foto è stata fatta da terze persone, e sono pervenute a lei indirettamente. Purtroppo la qualità della foto, e soprattutto la luminescenza opaca del presunto oggetto, non permettono di effettuare una valutazione affidabile; per tanto non posso escludere totalmente che si tratti della Luna, quindi diciamo che potrebbe essere un oggetto volante non identificato, ma potrebbe anche semplicemente essere la Luna fotografata male col movimento dell’aereo.

I still wanted to do a quick analysis of the photo, superimposing the filters: unsharp mask, and sunburn, these have given me a slightly better to assume that it is not the moon. But in this case, I can not give certainty, and in addition having no direct evidence of the person who took the photo, you can not even groped the reconstruction of the sighting. But let me add in conclusion, one last thing: in theory the Moon at that time you can not see it regardless of height, so for me it is not the moon but a UFO.

Reporting Claudia Flore

article Gabriele Lombardo

Aaalogo 1.2 Fullversion

Sighting Ufo 25 Settembre 2010 a Palestrina (Roma)

UFO September 25, 2010 at Palestrina (Roma)

Photo Archive, UFO sighting made by Massimo Fratini
locations in North Rome 24 August 2010
recent UFO sightings are increasing exponentially, we are obviously in a time of historic transition, where the UFO will further gain strength, and will gradually become a new science officer, who will need to deal with other science and vice versa. Because of parte degli scienziati spesso mancano la preparazione e l’apertura mentale che aiuta noi ufologi, sarà necessario un reciproco confronto alla pari tra le parti, non facile da realizzare, e che escludendo ostacoli non spontanei come il depistaggio e la diffamazione, avrà comunque un decorso evolutivo, lungo e snervante.

Fatta questa piccola premessa, vorrei segnalare (come a me riportato) un avvistamento ufologico del 25 settembre 2010 nei pressi di Roma.

Eccovi a voi la segnalazione a me pervenuta:

“Buongiorno, stavo facendo una ricerca a proposito di avvistamenti UFO in data 25 settembre 2010 a Palestrina, e ho trovato un riscontro con l'avvistamento di Colleferro (nel vostro blog) ma in data diversa.

La sera del 25 settembre 2010 verso le 23,15 - 23,30 ero in casa a Palestrina (Rm) tempo brutto e piovoso, mentre guardavo verso sud-est in direzione di Valmontone-Colleferro, ho visto le stesse luci dell'avvistamento di Colleferro riportato in questo Blog, io però ne ho viste almeno 7-8 che si alzavano una alla volta, non velocemente, e restavano ad una certa altezza per una decina di secondi, e poi scendevano con traiettorie diverse dalla salita; le luci erano rosse/arancione l'avvistamento lasted about 10-15 minutes, I do not know how far they were from me, at first I thought they were the clearance lights of a plane coming toward my position, but then I checked all the other lights, so I realized it was not a plane, I also thought they were flares, but once you get off the flares do not go back yourself.

I send you my greetings, my Nick is unico70, I'm 40 years old I was alone with no other witnesses, are fond of astronomy, and I always look at the sky at night and by day, when I have time to describe yet another strange sighting orbital height, hello and thank you. "

unico70 Thanks for the interesting report made to me, even not having photos or video and would outline the essential characteristics of this UFO sighting, and that thanks to the comparison with the sighting of Colleferro (which I described and analyzed), we can confirm both as events like UFO and with the same characteristics, as well as in the same area.

photo in question is not of this sighting, but the archive Ufo Rome.

article Gabriele Lombardo

Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Put Vhs To Camcorder

8 Gennaio 2010, ancora scie chimiche a Palermo

January 8, 2010, still chemtrails in Palermo

After the busy day full of chemtrails of January 7, could not be less than that of 8 January, which in some respects, was different, less intense and more intense during the hours of 7, and otherwise more intense during the hours of 7 more and less intense. That said, the less cottony texture of the trails and more transparent, making them slightly different than the previous day, unless they expand slowly and remain for a time slightly less.

The time of the photos you see here in these pages (s taken by me) is between about 16 and about 17, the point of view is always from my house, which is located in an area adjacent to the historic center , and still central to the city; the photos were taken in two different directions, first toward the mountains, and with their backs to the sea, the second to the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Conca d'Oro (the Bay of Palermo) with your back to ' Palermo hinterland.

As you can see the lines of the trails, before fees and denser, will expand in the next photos to become a sort of semi-transparent clouds and large seeds, then you will see the contrail of a dark color, are in fact managed to photograph a trail as he was released from a plane very fast, completely dark, not white. This aircraft left the dark trail, was not a normal tanker to which we have become accustomed, the trail does not expand like the others, but persisted with its long straight home form to be issued, and then disappeared from my view clearly , not spread, a phenomenon in my opinion as to the strange, I would also say that the trail in question, looked very much like color, with trails that are normal air because the burners after the aircraft or the aircraft itself is damaged areas vital, both for releasing a trail of smoke and obviously in this case it was not smoke, because it expands very quickly and not at all consistent.

Foto di Gabriele Lombardo

Articolo di Gabriele Lombardo