Monday, January 24, 2011

How To Make A Game (blunt)

users 24/01/2011 Communication of the blog Science and Border

Dear members and friends of the blog This I am going to do is appeal to your sensibilities.

For some time, I put the donation button on my blog, at the time I received this a couple of complaints, and many critics, the reason for these complaints and criticisms, it was precisely because of the very meaning of the spontaneous donation at a site (in this case the blog), note the disclosure of information (often sensitive or even dangerous), and in fact I, I contribute to the costs, for my research and the I spend the whole time, though spontaneous (I am not absolutely, that he never asked or forced anyone to watch the blog tolls, etc..), a type of information (I write in this blog), which must be free and free because of idealism, often counterproductive, that does not keep his feet firmly on the ground, often resulting in the presumption into attitude, and worst of exaltation, a sworn enemy of science and thus a direct consequence the so-called fringe science or parascience, which at last with difficulty, but with respect, are increasingly making headway in the scientific world, offering real and serious research material and often irrefutably true and incontrovertible.

therefore do not consider that it is absolutely inherent gain, in my request for voluntary donation for helping in an indirect work I do for users.

Unfortunately, the crisis thus established, rooted, is causing me major problems and financial difficulties, with a mortgage to pay for cars and out of work since May 1, I find myself at the odds, in fact, despite the costs real blog, or blog, is reduced to the cost of telephone internet connection (active connection virtually 14 hours a day), books and magazines that I need to update (because the Internet is not only useful for research and can not be the only source of information and research), the costs are reduced a lot. But it is important to note that the time I spent on research and information, to write articles sometimes detailed and rich, for reports that require patient and careful analysis of video and photographic use of various filters and processors, not that interpretation events and search for possible evidence in the field or by telephone etc.., occupy a large amount of time, as well as the research itself, and the same management blog mother fringe science and mystery, which operates entirely on its own or as graphic as well as settings for everything else, including what you is written and reported that it is all my own lot, basically for me and investigation are a full-time job, but expensive, but not fruit.

Sadly and reluctantly, I have to make the call to make some small contribution, I know it will not be pleasing to many, but with the crisis and the costs, and ongoing research work, always remove more time for research and information.

I am not asking for money or pay to read, but I just want to make you think about a few things: firstly, the crisis and expenses, loan etc. (Which many of us have), I could see over time forced to cut phone and internet, precluding direct not only the pleasure of conversation with friends and those interested in certain subjects, but also, I walked away at least on the web, research, and the world through information, I do not know exactly what you are interested in information or reports that I propose, as they do you like them or you will return profits, and not even know if you find my blog a real source of information, etc.., but agree with me that raramente troverete così dettagliate spiegazioni e illustrazioni di eventi e segnalazioni in altri siti.

Un'altra cosa importante che vi voglio dire, e su ci voglio farvi riflettere, riguarda proprio le donazioni; in effetti se pur ribadisco si tratti di donazioni spontanee, se almeno uno su due utenti del blog versasse un ero al mese, io potrei affrontare tutte le spese dignitosamente, non togliendo nulla a voi che spendereste l’equivalente di due caramelle al mese per alimentare e di conseguenza usufruire di un servizio di informazione serio e ritengo ben gestito ed utile, che è tutto a carico di una sola persona, e che attualmente questa persona non lavora, e rischia il blocco della propria ricerca e nello scrivere articoli.

Un'altra cosa ancora, anche questa importante che voglio sottolineare, è che prima che qualcuno faccia stupide critiche o stupidi commenti in seguito a questa comunicazione, sul fatto che io scrivo articoli gratuitamente e nessuno mi chiede di farlo, specificherò infatti, che questo, non significa che l’informazione che io divulgo non costi nulla a me, ed inoltre, spesso, dietro alcuni articoli ci sono decine di giorni e ricerche alle spalle,ed incerti casi mi espongo a rischi per la pura ricerca della verità o il piacere della divulgazione di essa, oltre che sono spessissimo lavori davvero stancanti e faticosi mentalmente.

Vorrei quindi bring to your attention, two examples of expenditure made by me in the last period, for the purpose of having direct information and directly from the sources for the research and subsequent dissemination through my articles, material or otherwise hard to find virtually impossible to find in recent months for example, I bought two important books, the last of the cost of 40 € plus shipping from the U.S. and can not be found in Europe, the question of the operating manual of firefighters USA, which is for an entire chapter on how to intervene in the case of UFOs and so on. is a book for reasons I can not mention is no longer commercially available now at least a decade or two decades, and that I could find after months of research with the help of a dear friend, a collector having two copies of the same, I was sold after trading that used (and therefore second-hand ) for the modest price of 180 euro deal, in fact the starting price of the book was well-used 320 €.

I know that these are not your own business (some say), but others will say he wants this, others will believe that I say and write nonsense, but I just wanted to pin who want to do this type of research, and information (also free), everything has a price.

I apologize to all of you for taking the time rubatovi in \u200b\u200bthe hope that one or more of these my appeals are not lost, or that lead some of you to walk away from my blog, only to preconceived ideas, without really thinking about what I say and that in some way I ask.

Sincerely blogger Gabriele Lombardo


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