Friday, January 28, 2011

Mysore Mallige Online Watch

Correlations between UFOs and Chemtrails?

Correlations between UFOs and Chemtrails?

un fotogramma di uno dei video
E’ ormai assodato da tempo, che nelle vicinanze delle scie chimiche siano presenti costantemente oggetti volanti non identificati. Alcuni mesi fa, un mio contatto di Facebook, mi invio (ponendo alla mia attenzione) alcuni video che vi mostrerò in questa sede,l’analisi dei video è stata tediosa e stancante, ma alla fine ne è valsa la pena; in questi video fatti con videocamera digitale, sono state riprese scie chimiche, principalmente singole nebulizzazioni di singoli aerei nei nostri cieli, in questi video si possono notare una gran quantità di oggetti che ad altissima velocità sfrecciano davanti l’obiettivo della camera, going right between the wakes issued by aircraft, and sometimes even seem to materialize or disappear inside.

the same frame of the first high-contrast
For a long time studying his case studies and events video footage, which apparently to join the UFO phenomenon chemtrails; the video in question here that we will see, I have been sent to Paolo Brunello (all videos are unspecified date in 2010), which I have repeatedly stated that mandatimi these videos are just a fraction of those he made.

the same frame with high contrast and added
In these videos to follow you can see many objects presumably spherical and white, and in some cases Disc-shaped or cigar shapes about, darting speed not achievable by conventional fighter aircraft. Considering the speed of objects, camera zoom (so all factors of the case), the objects seem to be probably some big feet, maybe 3-6 meters in diameter for the balls, and some tens of meters for others, and this binds them to the series their celestial spheres and of sightings of flying saucers.

course it is not easy determine the distance that objects have to pass near or in the wake of airplane, and also by the aware amateur video film, but we can assume that they are very close to the nebulized trails. Also obvious that the approximate measurements above is a theoretical estimate of an approximate calculation of the distance from the wake of Paul, and from the alleged objects as they pass through or near the trail itself, with the evaluation of the usual dimensions of the same trails in almost no wind and a few seconds or minutes from their release.

endorsed There are many theories about chemtrails, and many more UFO, few certainties and empirical evidence in both cases, but I can say with certainty that the two phenomena, though not closely related, have certainly correlation disconcerting to say the least, there are movies that show the most absurd things, like for example, aircraft which disappeared in the video footage and being replaced da sfere bianche a volte addirittura accoppiate ed in formazione parallela, aerei che compaiono dal nulla, che fanno manovre impossibili, accelerazione degli stessi inconcepibili per la resistenza fisiologica umana (in termini di G),aerei che appaiono e scompaiono intermittenti nei cieli, Tanker fotografati al suolo fermi negli aeroporti o in volo da Google Earth, parzialmente trasparenti o visibili in negativo come in una diapositiva, e tanto altro ancora.

C’è chi sostiene che le scie siano fatte proprio da queste sfere bianche o altri velivoli non convezionali e non da aerei, e che gli aerei siano solo ologrammi; c’è chi sostiene che i Tanker e le sfere (o meglio rispettivamente, il NWO e gli aliens) are in cahoots and work together, there are those who argue that instead of conflict and the chemtrails serve to make visible their UFOs, or to restrict the maneuverability (let's not forget that they are a versatile weapon), and many other theories .

For space reasons, I preferred not to attach many frames from the video, because it would take an incredible space to put dozens of frames drawn from each of the four videos, if you will watch with careful eye searching the video but, you see speeding these small objects, especially when zooming in large quantities.

Videos Paolo Brunello

Extrapolation and filtering of frames Gabriele Lombardo

article Gabriele Lombardo


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