Puabi the queen and the extraterrestrial Monalisa moon compared |
Monalisa in three frames of the video |
few years ago, a video on YouTube (then multiply exponentially in the network and video clips in a variety of related or added), appeared in a filmed document of extraordinary importance, or perhaps according to some, a great hold around well thought out, I'm going to talk about the video of the alleged extraterrestrial frozen, recovered from the Apollo 20 mission, a secret mission, and presumably the joint between the U.S. and USSR to the moon to retrieve a foreign body, the 'now infamous Alien Monalisa; in addition will also discuss the priestess and the queen Puabi comparison Sitchin who would argue that they are the same species or breed.
reconstruction of the face of Puabi |
I thank my dear friend brother Maximilian, whom I reported this matter to the attention, and I was involuntarily remember a detail, in the late Zacharia Sitchin, there was plenty of talk, and that was probably related to its Monalisa. Massimiliano showed me a picture that is alleged to have been taken up by Sitchin, where it encounters its Monalisa with a major semi priestess goddess of ancient Mesopotamia, which is a Sumerian priestess, of which our late Sumerologo writer, he has plenty explained the genesis and evolution of this people, genetically manipulated to create a superior race of slaves. In fact, the priestess in question is called Puabi (much studied by scientists from both historians and archaeologists), has some surprising physiological abnormalities compared to the people of the time, which are found in some issues (especially in the general somatic) Monalisa alien moon.
Image comparison prepared by Zacharia Sitchin, the comparison from left to right and Monalisa Puabi |
First, it seems necessary to emphasize that Zacharia Sitchin, spent pages of his books and pages of notes on this subject, often speaking at conferences and even more directly in interviews. Sitchin was firmly convinced that Puabi whose tomb is now among the most studied and whole world, not merely as a priestess, but others came from distant places, the only thing that could explain the physical differences with the local populations. It 'surprising then the link (obvious to anyone who knew his thoughts), that our great researcher and writer on the supposed priestess in question, just based on his theories of the origin Sumera, in fact, there were never any doubts (for Sitchin ), that Puabi was actually a high priestess who had common features, and he was clearly a goddess of flesh and bone, not at all, or only partially human, supporting a sword to the skeptical academic community of archaeologists that the when analyzed as a priestess of duty (at the DNA level), we would have shown his true nature extraterrestrial.
The fundamental differences between Puabi and its people, first of all consist in its greater height of the highest over-Mesopotamian era, secondly, the shape of her face, and longilineità of her slender body. What Sitchin has always stressed and never directly become unbalanced, it is that the Annunaki were a priestess, or a hybrid human / alien, just one of those sons of the Annunaki also mentioned in the Bible, which are called the Annunaki Nephilim and the giants are their children, born from his seed of the Nephilim and human women, then we speak of a hybrid between humans and visitors from Nibiru.
Puabi or better Pu-Abi in the Akkadian language, Shubad in Sumerian, is the name of a queen priestess of Mesopotamia, the Sumerian era, supposedly lived between 2600 BC and 2500 BC, and his tomb Puabi Ur are located in the second largest city of Babylon after the homonymous city, in some royal seals, however, it is called Nin. In fact I suppose that was the real name of Nin Puabi, then the name that was known as the queen and even before it becomes, which means while Pu-Abi (my father's words in Akkadian) would be the name of its role, quindi il nome da sacerdotessa, probabilmente professante la parola di un solo Dio.
Ur, enorme città Babilonese, e prima ancora importante insediamento sumero, ricopre il ruolo di città santa in tutta o quasi la storia mesopotamica, essa infatti è la sede dei principali culti, e dei sacerdoti che le professavano.
Ziggurat di Ur (attuale Nassiria) |
Ur è anche conosciuta secondo le teorie di confine, come principale insediamento degli Annunaki, che in questa sede oltre ad un importante centro di comando, avrebbero avuto lo spazioporto main colony of their land. Of course, that officially there is no evidence of this, or at least we do not know, however, is important in our case, because it could help as a stepping stone (excuse the subtle joke), just for the comparison between our presumed Annunaki " Pu-Abi "with our supposed alien lunar Monalisa.
the mother ship land compared to great works |
Monalisa, would be found, and later recovered inside the wreck of one of three ships rushed to the same place on the moon, the features of alienation, vaguely reminiscent of an Indian woman, with their physiological components instead to the people of South America, skin color is similar to that of Mexicans (but of course now it's red and altered by the freezing and its mummification), the lips lips remind us of the great women of Meso and South American peoples, the eyes have a lot in common with the darker peoples of the Indies, and with those of the Aztecs and Incas wide and round face are typical of the Americas, as well as the body strong and prominent cheekbones.
Our Monalisa would have a third eye, or rather in front of a projection due to a huge development pineal gland, and the focus of the front or just the third eye chakra.
the photo Lunar with the mother ship crashed |
Monalisa is probably one of the two bodies found, the latro, was to be a male body, but his condition was incurable and terribly ill suited to understand something of their physiology. It would have been gathered by this secret mission (Apollo 20), in a real flying saucer, the latter, a twin of another also crashed to the ground next to a mother ship. The mother ship, according to Expert video analysis, it would be even km long, and it would seem, not only worsened by the alleged millions of years, but hit many times by powerful weapons, which would leave hull openings even hundreds of meters.
the Apollo 20 emblem |
the inside of the LEM (lunar lander ) and a ; improvised plate collaboration of the two superpowers |
on all things related la vicenda di Monalisa e la presunta missione spaziale umana sulla Luna, possiamo solo fare supposizioni, e forse non saremo mai informati veramente ed in grado di trarre conclusioni corrette. Ma Massimiliano da ricerche personali, mi ha fatto sapere, che da confronti accurati sulla strumentazione di bordo visibile nelle immagini interne alla navetta di recupero, usata dalla presunta missione Apollo 20 del video, coincidono perfettamente con la strumentazione reale del LEM (modulo di atterraggio lunare). Pertanto effettivamente, potremmo anche dire che il video sarebbe veritiero, se pur magari alterato in alcuni punti per via di un taglia e copia o un copia ed incolla, a volte poco raffinato.
ancora frame dell'astronave madre |
Per chi ha un poco di esperienza nell’analisi di foto e video, sarà facile riflettere su un fattore determinante, in linea di massima infatti, un video non può essere valutato e dichiarato vero o falso, solo perché alcune ombre o luci o anomalie sembrano falsificare alcuni frame, poiché se pur un video sia stato girato tutto di seguito, potrebbe anche essere stato manipolato senza fini di inganno, col solo scopo di montare immagini consone alla migliore comprensione delle stesse; queste, fuori sequenza e inserite magari non propriamente bene nel contesto, fanno per tanto apparire delle anomalie del video, come In this case, in which the frames seem to bring some photos of the alleged mother ship, among other things in black and white photos, rincollate to make it look a shot of a lunar module in orbit, in fact, it is unclear, and its falsification would certainly undermine the credibility of the whole video, but it is also true that perhaps in the absence of video footage of the incident, but well done with photos in hand, the author of the video editing and so-called astronaut mission itself, it was quite possible to use the photos to recreate the atmosphere which he lived and the places and objects seen, and just to point out details that would not otherwise ricreabili or just visible, and would also be the most correct method to mount an informative video.
alleged Annunaki depicted in a work Sumera |
Puabi We talked about, and we also talked in detail of Monalisa, we also touched on several other important things the link between them, without ever directly compare them, I left out the comparison at the moment, and spoke of the mission, video, etc. of the spaceships. for a reason, if Puabi was an Annunaki, Zacharia Sitchin and the second was for sure, its features are similar to those of Monalisa and gives us a Image of comparison between them, if we reflect on the fact that she lived in Ur, and his life was longer than the average of his people (and apparently quite well), and that Ur was a city "spaceport", and if the spacecraft on the moon where presumably precipitated was recovered Monalisa were all things connected?! If there was a battle between the Annunaki and someone else over our heads? If those who remained on Earth rebelled against those who descended from Nibiru and were made involving war mankind? Do not forget that there are unexplained traces of nuclear explosions and crystallization of solid material around the world, and I also added to the context of OOPART'S (Objects that should not exist, and have no proper place in time according to the canons of archeology), these often have hundreds of thousands of years and in some cases several million years, we may also enter buildings on the Moon and the alleged more.
So to conclude, according to Sitchin, and according to my modest opinions and Maximilian, Monalisa Puabi and both are presumably the same species, that the case of Apollo 20 and the recovery of the alien is presumably true that the video is true but in some parts mounted photos, the Sumerians were worshipers of probable extraterrestrial, and that the priestess Queen Puabi was one of them, perhaps the last of them, or perhaps a daughter of one of their major.
As the topic is interesting I will return again.
Thanks especially Maxime Militello for their cooperation and interesting discussions on the subject, and it seems only right to thank the late and great revolutionary scholar Zacharia Sitchin.
Sources: Monalisa and Apollo 20 video of Youtube, various books and interviews of Zacharia Sitchin, Wikipedia, Penn Museum (IRAQ's Ancient past), Bible (Nephilim "Genesis 6, 1-8), comandantekanta, com and many other articles on Sitchin and Monalisa.
analysis, theories and discussions Gabriele Lombardo and Massimiliano Militello
article Gabriele Lombardo
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