Moria degli Animali e la teoria del gas fosgene dell'appello della contattista Collen thomas
Secondo molte persone (spesso etichettate come complottiste e catastrofiste), il fatto può essere dovuto essenzialmente ad una cerchia ristretta di fattori scatenati, alcuni naturali altri artificiali. Le cause teoriche principali di questa moria, sarebbero quattro.
Here they are: the first theory, wants to use microwaves and chemtrails (Aerosol and then HAARP), the second theory, wants the massive use of poison gas and hazardous chemicals (in this case the phosgene) and the third theory has it that there is lurking a new ice age (remember the opening scenes also theorized in the film The Day After Tomorrow The Day After Tomorrow "), and the fourth theory, wants the other hand, there is a rapid shift in place magnetic pole (see news about the North Pole slip to Russia).
My research work in this regard, it lasts for days, and thanks to the material sent to me from overseas, and friends from all over Italy, I can begin to draw their own conclusions, semi scientifiche ma molto logiche.
La teoria di cui vi voglio parlare a seguito riguarda la somma delle prime due teorie sopra citate, che a mio avviso sarebbero due facce della stessa medaglia.
Sopra ho citato le scie chimiche, HAARP ed il fosgene; farò un breve accenno a spiegazione per i primi due e poi procederò con la voce di wikipedia riguardo il fosgene, aggiungendo io altre notizie.
HAARP, or rather the HAARP project, who often refers to the installation root in Alaska, is a project that uses technology to change Tesla electric particles of the ionosphere, in fact change its behavior, and presumably also using microwaves, affect up to this point quell’area atmosferica da comprimere le masse terrestri in determinati luoghi, e potrebbe quindi causare secondo alcune teorie, persino terremoti con epicentro vicino la superficie, cambiamenti del clima drastici, e del meteo locale. In oltre le microonde ed il calore ad alta quota potrebbero causare lesioni a chi sta ad una certa quota di altezza (come per esempio gli uccelli morti, il cui risultato autoptico, ci ha propriamente detto che sono morti per lesioni interne).
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Il fosgene (o cloruro di carbonile ) a temperatura ambiente è un gas incolore estremamente tossico e aggressivo, dal tipico odore di fieno ammuffito. La sua formula chimica è C O Cl 2 , il suo numero CAS è 75-44-5.
Da un punto di vista sistematico, è il dicloruro dell'acido carbonico.
È un prodotto di sintesi, ma piccole quantità possono formarsi in natura dalla decomposizione e dalla combustione di composti organici contenenti cloro.
During the First World War was used as a chemical weapon .
Phosgene is a particularly insidious poison, because they do not have any immediate effect. Typically, symptoms appear between 24 and 72 hours after exposure. In combination with the water in the tissues of the respiratory tract, phosgene decomposes into carbon dioxide and hydrochloric acid, the latter dissolves membranes of cells exposed causing respiratory filling with fluid. Death typically occurs by combination of emorragie interne, shock e insufficienza respiratoria . A differenza di altri gas, il fosgene non viene assorbito attraverso la pelle, il suo effetto si produce solo per inalazione.
Io non sono un esperto in materia, e quindi mi devo attenere a ciò che dicono altri e che ho possibilità di leggere, in effetti ho trovato in rete, pareri discordanti in più siti (soprattutto americani) dove si dice che il fosgene non ha solo effetti per inalazione, ma addirittura tramite contatto con la pelle e con occhi.
Indeed, the phosgene, used extensively in World War I, and which has no possible use in the industry, is strangely reappeared after the Gulf War, which saw the end of the regime of Saddam Hussein. Indeed, it appears that one of the reasons for which it was made the second Gulf War to Iraq, is precisely that the dictator was in possession of a huge reservoir of this gas, and that has never been found (official version), in Actually you should know that it was secretly moved to another place just after its discovery (maybe the U.S.) and that the will be used by the NWO, and catastrophic for occult purposes, such as selective mass killing.
Phosgene is one of the few poison gas, which have no cure and remedy, then, once exposed has condemned here as well but there are different opinions, in fact, some sites report that exposure to light can be treated with traditional methods against NBC (nuclear war, bacteriological, chemical), or with washing and sterilization, other sites instead specify that the disease onset, occurs between 24 and 72 hours after exposure , and therefore it is too late for any intervention, because as soon as an occurrence would be fatal.
Another thing they do not seem to agree on the different sites that speak of this gas is the fact that (according to wikipedia) would damage only through inhalation, but other sites say that the same damage that is inhaled may also occur by contact with skin and eyes, in substance, or perhaps in this case would be more appropriate to say a bad substance (pardon the irony) this gas would cause suffocation by accumulation of fluid in his lungs, thereby causing an pleurisy, which would result immediately in chronic pneumonia, and cause a choking because of the accumulation of its liquid. However, there are obvious symptoms of exposure, one of these is the appearance of skin tissue exposed to the whitening of the gas, with a dark golden red or swollen to form a ring around the area bleached.
This theory, as well as putting it into practice, seem madness, but in reality, all it would be possible, in fact the deaths of those animals that were oddly located mainly in the areas adjacent to the HAARP facilities would dei test sul campo molto selettivi, infatti colpiscono di volta in volta soltanto una specie o tipologia di animali.
Molti sono convinti (anche per colpa dei media e di video che circolano su internet), che il fenomeno della moria sia localizzato a poche aree, in realtà non è così; per prima cosa bisogna dire che in alcune aree (proprio quelle dove non ci sono segnalazioni ufficiali) non ci sono molte emittenti televisive e televisioni, emittenti radio e radio, ne telefoni e telefonini, e che spesso quel poco che è presente su quei territori, è manovrato dalle dittature locali ed in esse si parla soltanto degli eventi che interessano la loro politica dictatorial, then there perverrebbero many reports from these places. The second important thing to say is that only some of the recommendations were formalized, and consequently there are many more areas affected, and the phenomenon is broader than we say.
In Italy there are only three verified cases, but I myself have had reports of at least three other cases, this makes me assume that the phenomenon is much larger, they are also sure of that this is something changing. Many will try to challenge the memory due to possible use of phosgene gas, because the most significant die-offs of animals focused on the crabs and fish, but instead know that phosgene is a gas that can be used in water, mixing fact its turn water into acid, actually killing living beings that are in place before mixing is so stretched as to have no more effects. True or false this possibility, the fact remains that there is still reason to be concerned, perhaps the statements regardless of Collen revelations that extraterrestrial or terrestrial based on their studies and theories are probably true and enlightening.
I in addition to stress that not long ago, I received a report from Sardinia to a strange event, it seems that locally there has been between 25 and 26 December 2010 as acid rain, yellow overnight from the lawns fields, and to cause the oxidation of steel structures for external, that the day before were perfect, steel structures, among other things, that were installed about six months, and then they were in perfect condition, are still I'll be waiting for an alert officer made this event so I can not give names of people and places.
Ps. I would like especially to thank the writing of this article Maria Grazia Campus for giving me knowledge of the announcement of Thomas Collen, Anna Magdalena Ludka, for the countless video made it to my attention, and many others who have sent me material.
Sources Wikipedia, WordLingo, margheraonline, youtube (various sources), the Explorer, the Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
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