Thursday, March 10, 2011

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UFO sighting, Montale Rangone (Modena) March 8, 2011 UFO sighting

UFO Sightings, Montale Rangone (Modena) March 8, 2011

Today I propose an alert that practically coincides with my earlier, the reporting done by me, however, was recorded on Palermo (you can read here: ). It 'still as amazing as the data is the same as my watch, it seems that the same scene is repeated identically in two cities at once, are the same number of objects, distance between the two, brightness, time, potential trajectory altitude, etc.,. Even more disconcerting sembra essere che altre mail mi segnalano lo stesso identico evento in altre città d’Italia, una cosa che oltre a suscitare curiosità ed interesse, ha dell’inquietante. Di queste ultime mail attendo comunque conferme o smentite.

Ecco la segnalazione ricevuta via mail da Pier che non ci dice il cognome:

foto da archivio web (questa foto non è di quest'avvistamento)
“Salve, ieri sera 8 marzo 2011 intorno alle ore 20.00, in Montale Rangone provincia di Modena, ho visto sorvolare above my house two luminous spheres which took a route from west to east, at a constant speed and quiet, the other followed a few hundred meters at a height of 500 meters above the ground, I just had time to call my wife who witnessed the event, the first eclipse light is off, and after a few seconds, the second did the same thing, I'm sure they were not planes, as I see them from my house and land in Bologna, and it happens even in that moment he was rising into a fly. Thank you for hospitality, Pier. "

article Gabriele Lombardo


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