Friday, March 4, 2011

Where Can I By A Dunebuggy

There are times when I struggle to understand events, how they create and the reasons that move certain facts.

novel by Andrea Baldini:

There saber women's race, and we do not go very well, stay away from the area medaglie.Il saber coach Andrea Magro, coach of the year for men's foil (after Olimpiade2004 followed only female), instead not to comment on the race of his brilliant athletes, talking about fencing is that doping.Dice, eccome.Il reference, of course, is to my caso.Mi hurts, it was also my coach, knows how to work and how they are tutto.Non always careful to say so because I understand, the only thing that comes to mind is trying to divert attention from the results of a sword, which has picked up a couple of anni.Non manages to justify it: is a low blow, with no ragione.Penso to what I told my father I'll be stronger after this, nothing can hurt me ....

Dear Andrea, if you can forgive the confidential tone, but for me it always represents an athlete with whom I worked e quindi una parte importante della mia vita professionale, questo pezzo che è uscito sul tuo libro, mi ha ferito, perchè non corrisponde alla verità.Perdonami se adopero il termine ferito , perchè so che quello che hai provato tu deve essere stata una cosa incredibile!!!!
Se la memoria non mi tradisce ci sono un paio di imprecisioni( non sono andato a controlare l'articolo, perchè sono assolutamente sereno grazie alla consapevolezza di ciò che dissi), l'intervista non risale alla gara di sciabola femminile, che purtroppo non andò bene per il dispiacere delle ragazze dei maestri e mio; ti assicuro che in 15 anni da ct delle varie nazionali, non ho mai avuto il problema a spiegare dei risultati non raggiunti, non part of my "cunning" and then talk about something else, forgive me how I could divert about a topic so sad for a boy, but goes back to a training day to the gym in Beijing, I think the day after we reached the terrible news . Vanetti asked me if I think there was a doping ... ... the answer is not a doping problem of sports doping is a social evil !!!!!! So therefore there is in sport. That does not mean that you, in my opinion were a question drogato.Seconda Baldini what you think of the event? I worked with Andrea in the Under 20 and over to know the boy I met the father .... it is unthinkable that a family with such an education can be born a thing!!
When I heard that you were angry, I phoned and I repeated the same things, also explains the fact of the title. The title had not done Flavio Vanetti (happens so often in the articles) but un'altrto journalist, and I also told you: if you read the article you have confirmation of what I'm dicendo.Purtroppo is customary to make a strong title .. . then often read the article and the substance is very different. in the same phone call I said that everything seemed crazy, pushing even a consideration .... Cassarà never believe that you are a person who takes drugs, but think that Cassara has done this it seems just as unlikely. I told you I did not want to enter into a discussion that does not belong to me, ma era solo una considerazione che mi ero sentito di farti.Altre volte ti ho incontrato a delle gare e il fatto che tu non mi salutassi mi dispiaceva,ora capisco che evidentemente la mia telefonata non ti ha convinto. Di questo me ne dispiaccio ma non ci posso fare niente.Ti faccio i miei complimenti per i tuoi straordinari successi e ti auguro di raggiungere ciò che ingiustamente ti hanno tolto.
Andrea Magro

Sempre, per amore della verita', aggiungo questa parte. Oggi ho ricevuto una mail dalla Poli, che mi conferma che la mia intervista riportata sul Corriere della Sera e' stata pubblicata il giorno dopo la gara di sciabola femminile.Io mi ricordo di aver parlato con Flavio vanetti e con altri giornalisti in palestra di allenamento e non on race day women's saber, it could be that my statements have been made out that I remember giorno.Non frankly, because 'beyond' the dismay and disbelief 'on the ground, I recorded every one hour was happening and saw that I remember very well my thoughts on this are absolutely convinced of what I wrote of my thoughts and good faith of what I said to Andrea Baldini.


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