Monday, February 7, 2011

American Football Schutt De

Among planetary upheaval and catastrophic announcements

a meeting between Chinese leaders and U.S. President

From an article published in the journal European multimedia The European Unions Time, it appears shocking revelations, a mix of possible disasters, and devastating ads that were about to be released at a global level, these events have already begun, and apparently verrebero explained otherwise. The news, made public Jan. 23, 2011, begins with a news story in itself interesting because it tells us that in China hundreds of millions of people have heard or even terrified terrified, a television ad that talked about an alleged she had to do with U.S. President Barack Obama to the world, the state television of China's state Xinhua NEWS would be responsible for 'event and panic generated (which resembles the radio broadcast of Orson Welles). It seems that the U.S. president was preparing for an announcement on January 4, 2011, with a series of revelations, the first was that of the existence of some extraterrestrial races on our planet, and that they are in fact among us, and seems also due to this fact, the two superpowers are secretly and closely working together for the common good, even if it is given to understand how, what and where.

the video of Obama speaking Chinese

It seems that the media and their incredible power, opposed to the event and to disclose certain information about contacts with other civilizations in the past and the dissemination of news about events that will happen here soon, and that would lead to the fateful "Day of the end times."

solar flares and solar wind result, varying
The article continues by remediation of previous articles in the site itself, cuesta we talk about current events and disasters, and links between them there would be, the list should be a cause of mortality of birds, a number of solar storms that would be compressing parts of the upper atmosphere, creating waves in it that would cause internal damage of themselves and their fall to the ground, ultimately suffer the effect of microwaves and high atmospheric pressure, and excess heat caused by solar flares, but does not speak specifically of the deaths of fish, crabs and octopuses, but they are also places at the same event, and even speak the abnormal behavior of fish or other aquatic mammals such as sharks. There will also spin of the magnetic poles, which would have caused the fall of a Russian aircraft and the failure of many technological devices (deepen the argument a little later).

the Earth from solar flare near
medium size
is then cited the fact that one or more objects are getting closer to our beloved Earth, and that these could cause disruptions in the short and long-term carriers or even other kinds of problems (the we will see a boast).

seems, reading between the lines, you can make connections with sensational events that occurred just cyclical and passed on our planet, in fact in this catastrophe and its contents satellites article, we bring together a number of theories or less discussed in scientific circles, UFOs and mystery in general.

Continue reading suggests (though he was not named) as Zakaria Sitchin's theories are more or less realistic and truthful, one speaks of a planetary body that would pass near the center of the solar system with an orbit stable elliptical 3500/5000 year, and that we would be more around the time of greater closeness. It seems that the approach of this huge planetary body, just anticipating all of the above events, including earthquakes and tsunamis also progressively stronger, and therefore also the outbreak of war involving many people, it seems driven by a single reason, individuals in the same upheaval interplanetary in general.

polar axis of the earth
And yet it seems that the devastating earthquakes and tsunamis, wipe out most of humanity and that cycle when this happens, some groups of aliens would come to save the survivors to return them to earth in finite things, and repopulate the planet with a new civilization.

While the super storms hammering the globe, and we recently celebrated the catastrophic years old, which will bring famine and other problems as serious as in this current, it seems that the magnetic poles have accelerated their shift, and that movements plates are literally splitting in two in Africa, says geologist Cynthia Ebinger of the University of Rouchester (New York) gave an interview to a German television station, it seems that North Africa is undergoing a rapid climate change, accompanied by a serie di scosse telluriche sotto tutto il deserto, mentre i vulcani dell’area sembrano aumentare la loro temperatura.

Mappa dello Yellowstone ed aree che verrebbero colpite
dalla sua deflagrazione
Nel mentre sembra che come nel film 2012 lo Yellowstone abbia aumentato la sua attività sia tellurica che magmatica, e cresce la paura negli USA, i quali notizia (di questi giorni), abbiano redatto e messo in pratica un programma di emergenza gestito ed elaborato dal FEMA (vedi anche: Tra crisi alimentare, e rischio rivolta e guerre (FEMA, DGSE, SVR ed altre agenzie in cahoots?) ), which is preparing its own to deal with a series of catastrophic volcanic eruptions in the U.S., the purpose of this contingency plan is to survive as many people as possible, and create a distribution network basic necessities for a period of 10 days. News from the Yellowstone area comes from a distinguished scholar, scientist Michio Kaku.

Betelgeuse compared to other stars, zoom
to see the Sun
While in the East take the facts seriously, and even allow themselves to be carried away by fear of the alleged impending disaster, we in the West is literally laughed and fucked up people who talk about these things, and according to those who ride, is just propaganda to speculation or unfounded scaremongering and without scientific confirmation.

Dr. Brad Carter, professor of physics at the University of Southern Queensland launches an alarm and warns that by the end of 2012 will see a second sun from our planet, while many think immediately Nibiru, the scientist immediately specifies that it will blast supernova in the star Betelgeuse, which will be visible for about two weeks as a second sun, and then slowly sciamerà, this will change after its implosion (due to its loss of mass) and the subsequent collapse.

the alleged neo genesis of the solar system after the intrusion of Nibiru
Brad goes on to say that Immanuel Velycovsky spoke the truth in his lyrics, in fact the land cycle has suffered and will suffer catastrophes and interplanetary upheaval also living beings, and that this is happening long before humans on earth.

then proceeds with a series of quotations from historical figures who have played an important role in the dissemination of information, and to counter alleged occult powers that would keep us ignorant to be able to manipulate and destroy, and a faction that millennia struggle to fight them and save humanity. At some points I think the speech is unclear, but it seems to intuit that there are also other races extratteresti lurking that could take advantage of our extinction or destruction.

In this article, consequently, that to which I am inspired, seems to refer to several ancient and modern myths, not that short stories o cinematografici di importanza culturale come 2001 odissea nello spazio ed i successivi 2002 e 2010 l’anno del contatto, dove appunto siamo testimoni della nascita di un nuovo sole e dell’incontro con una forma di vita superiore (i monoliti).

Colgo l’occasione per ricordarvi, che in questo momento uno o tre oggetti di proporzioni giganti starebbero venendo in direzione della Terra, e che alcuni scienziati della NASA hanno teorizzato l’esistenza di Tyche un gigante planetario oscuro di almeno 4 masse gioviane (vedi anche: Nibiru, Thyke e Nemesis, tra scoperte planetarie e miti  in this blog) , or presumably with greater possibility of a brown dwarf with a temperature so cold on the surface do not emit light and not be visible with standard technologies.

Source: The European Unions Time

article Gabriele Lombardo


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