Thursday, February 10, 2011

Color Of Lent Candles

mortality of animals, now it's up to jellyfish

Dear readers and friends blog, a few days back I talked about the mortality of animals, and the theory of phosgene gas in " Animal Moria and the theory of the appeal of phosgene gas contactee Collen thomas "I have spoken (and often in detail) of birds, fish and crabs, also referred to the memory of other animals. I have alluded to the fact that there was a mortality of polyps in Spain and new species of fish, crustaceans and birds a little everywhere in the world. In the same article I also informed of a strange event in the Atlantic by the sharks, saying that an expert marine biologist and former shark hunter, with his helicopter pilot, spotted a cluster of sharks really mammoth proportions (it is not definable as a bench sharks), it is in fact more than 100,000 sharks, which for no apparent reason is poured into the U.S. coast, and now the rumor that they are dead, but not confirmed entry.

Another important news that comes to us, always comes from the U.S. where it seems that inspiaggiate 1000000, over a large jellyfish, on the whole east coast of Florida.

While the media are silent, and the death of these animals no longer odience, the memory continues and becomes ever greater, in the article "Between sconvolgimenti planetari e annunci catastrofici   “, che precede questo, ho parlato di fine dei tempi, ed in quello ancora precedente dal titolo “ Tra crisi alimentare, e rischio rivolta e guerre (FEMA, DGSE, SVR ed altre agenzie in combutta?) “ di una presunta prossima crisi alimentare mondiale dovuta ad i flagelli dello scorso anno, e dell’inizio del nuovo.


Spesso quelli che danno notizie come me, vengono accusati di creare allarmismo o addirittura panico, io amo l’informazione libera, e soprattutto vera, capisco perfettamente the implications of what I say, as well as the implications of the events of which I speak. That said, I propose a detailed list of some events of mortality of animals that have been reported and verified, this obviously does not exclude the fact that cases are many more, and that in some areas such as Africa, you do not have records for reasons I have already stated several times, for example, the fact that in 99% of African territories there are no media, no radio, they use equipment such as televisions and radios themselves, and there are no telephones and cell phones. In addition, the average population is not aware of factors and events of this kind, so why would not even have to involve not Whereas in fact the event itself so strange and unusual, nothing strange that the only warning you get there by African Republic Sud'Africana, the only one with a larger amount of structures and technologies.

Here is the list that I have collected so far from the web:

1) December 28, 2010, die-off clams and crabs and small shellfish on the beach in Scarborough (Grosseto) in the investigation of state police, coastguards, police and provincial organs of local expertise.

2) January 1, 2011, over 5,000 dead birds in Arkansas, 500 were found dead on the border with Arkansas Labarre.

3) January 5, 2011, thousands of dead birds in Falkoeping (Sweden); Thousands of Merli died in Baton Rouge, Louisiana (USA) Hundreds of ducks died in the same area .

4) January 7, 2011, 100000 inspiaggiati dead fish on a stretch of coast 20 km of Arkansas (USA), 500 dead birds of various kinds found in Kentucky (USA), 800 dead turtles on the state of Faenza (Ravenna, Italy) officially the first domestic case.

5) January 8, 2011, hundreds or perhaps thousands of doves in San Cesario di Modena, the same happens at the same time in Caserta.

6) January 9, 2011, in memory of doves in Civitanova Marche.

7) January 12, 2011, thousands of dead birds raining in California.

8) January 13, 2011, hundreds of Fermo Campiglione Tortore death and dozens of birds found dead in Contigliano Veneto.

9) January 14, 2011; mortality of 300 birds in Alabama (USA); Roccafluvione mortality of birds in the province of Ascoli Piceno.

10) In the second half of January 2011, begins inspiaggiamento of thousands of polyps that die on the Atlantic coast of Spain.

11) in early February 2011, begins the sighting of 100,000 sharks in the Atlantic coast of the USA, they were being stored improperly and behaving abnormally, not are present on the spot schools of fish to catch.

12) February 10, 2011, begins inspiaggiamento and the death of one million of jellyfish off the coast of Florida.

13) February 10, 2011, a web forum on the headline and an article stating that the previous sighting of the estimated 100,000 sharks, they would die, but there is no evidence to support the incident, for so is not trusted.

In short, here I reported all the news are available at all, but the media do not speak, although in more digging and discovered that the cases detected are hundreds more, for example, the English cases are not discussed, but are among the most significant cases sure would be 5, of these, 3 are significant, one has seen the mortality of several tons of fish, another memory of the thousands of birds, the other is the death of 40000 inspiaggiamento and crabs.

Basically the whole world is affected by the event, and we have no way to make assessments on oceans and seas where the phenomenon could be greater, and Covering the 75/80% of the planet is estimated that around you can read the newspapers, news, etc.., talking about tens or hundreds of tonnes of dead fish to watch, The same applies to various crabs and shellfish, thousands of birds, octopi, and now millions of jellyfish, and you do not know if the sharks had the same fate.

read the articles and the official theories on the one hand makes me laugh, on the other I feel like crying, but the thing I do comes from inside and scream the head of those dumb people who do not look at the reality and continue forward in inability to make connections between events, convinced of their concrete damage claim ridiculous and unconvincing explanations often contradict one another, persisting to declare nonsense type, and this group died of food for this oil, this one for fireworks, and again, hail to the high altitude, etc..

A question arises, but it takes long to realize that all these events have at least Cases Linked? Mha! Sometimes I wonder what good study if you do not know how to read and interpret what is before us.

event is still a little discussed, and that only a memory of animals:

mysterious die-off of crabs in Priolo (Siracusa) found thousands of dead crabs on the beaches, the ongoing investigations by the Coast Guard, with the support of ARPA and the help of the mayor, here's the explanation (ridiculous) but that has been given official : crabs would die for a number of factors, including on-site presence of rats as big as rabbits, on-site movement of pyrite ash and poisonous substances such as Cadmium and Vanadium and grass too high (too high grass? Maybe the crabs do not eyes were healthy and ended up in the pyrite in the mouth of a hellish rat, which in the end because the poor ate the crab had been dead before and she had not noticed, and then poor rat rabbit, all you care about crabs, but the rat undergoes the same pollution or maybe not!). The area in question is an archaeological site, now not later on to what they're doing with this crap in an archaeological site, and do not question that this crap, certainly contaminates the soil and so on. But no one asks why this done for years, and the crabs are dying right now while the place in other parts of the world are dying by the thousands? Here, too, spread a veil.

Lake Guardialfiera ANSA news of 10 November 2010, thousands of dead fish floating in the lake, investigators determine that the possible cause of death is the bacterium Aeromonas Hidrofila, but can not rule out other causes, so the mystery remains unsolved, we have another month to translate the memory of animals back?! In my opinion, yes.

Other ANSA news January 4, 2011, from tests on a sample of dead birds in Arkansas revealed that they died as a result of internal trauma, 8 the same month, he speaks of natural causes, but does not explain what they are, and you criticize sword theories that want the use of technology HAARP, chemtrails, or cause catastrophic planetary as a reversal of the poles, solar flares etc..

I have received an alert for bird die-off in Sardinia, in an unspecified place in the area of \u200b\u200bOristano, the same I have been reported in two other areas of northern and central Italy, by witnesses who have not wanted to expose. I know for a fact that on the night between 25 and 26 December 2010, acid rain fell on and around Orissa, with obvious consequences on the grass and outdoor metal structures that are suddenly oxidized.

In this scenario (of course started earlier than we know), we have not included all cetacean strandings in which we are now accustomed to, and I have included stories not found (even if credible), but summing it all can be backdated further. In fact, in an article in the April 2, 2009 (in fact it all starts years ago), written by Marco Soave, states that a sudden die-off of bees around the world (who are dying dramatically in many areas of the planet) is likely to cause the total extinction of bees in the United States, Portugal and Spain, and also suffer serious damage in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, England, Greece and Italy (strangely all nations with flows into the sea or surrounded by it (including the Mediterranean), and the most affected are the most exposed to the Atlantic Ocean. Then she adds, the simultaneous escalation of cetaceans who commit suicide at the beach, or you inspiaggiano for orientation problems may be related to the phenomenon of extinction of bees.

few days ago came the news that Obama in a speech in China, stated that American bees are almost fully discharged, the news has not been confirmed, but as Einstein said if bees become extinct, all life would become extinct within a few tens of years on our planet, it would break a balance that directly involves the reproductive system of plants and plantation crops themselves, the direct consequence would be the disruption of the system that is already unstable due to pollution, and indirectly involve all animal species, thus risking unprecedented famines and extinctions mass.

Sources: Ansa,, ComeDonChisciotte, Corriere della, Knowing a little of everything, NuoveFrontieredellaConoscenza, the explorer's blog, Eco, Birds of Moria (insights on the recent phenomenon), Academic Center for UFO Studies, La Repubblica, the mysterious energy blog, the site of Priolo Gargallo, Parallel Worlds Forum, the site Services secrets and intelligence, and more.

article Gabriele Lombardo


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