today after about a month of waiting I can finally talk about a report made to me by his friend Mary Grace Campus, and then confirmed by other friends of the place, which brought to my attention a direct witness to a strange event occurred between night on 23 and 27 December 2010, the witness in question and that will illustrate Mauro Mura esaudiente and very direct results of this seems to have been acid rain, and that he would leave his mark in structure and environment, carry fully reporting Mauro, excluding data of interest to the article and signaling.
Ecco cosa mi ha scritto Mauro Mura:
“Salve Gabriele, ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. . Vorrei spiegarti quanto accaduto in un cantiere dove ho montato 500 metri di corrimano in tubo di acciaio inox AISI304 satinato and treated with passivation and chemical decontamination procedure.
Start the mounting of handrails in a condominium in Oristano in early September, we will proceed with the construction and installation until you get to the period under native , precisely at Thursday, December 23 where we had to stop the assembly work at 12 because it started to rain.
Until then, all mounted in a steel building ( virtually all , since they were only 15 meters to be fitted) had remained perfectly clean, without any problem.
I leave the site in disbelief and appalled by what has been learned, the first thing I did return in the company, was thrown on the web to document a p oco, and still remains or petrified by what I saw.
Parlando i giorni successivi con i condomini al cantiere per cercare di spiegare e di risolvere il problema scopro che in particolare una signora del 5° piano ha trovato la biancheria stesa fuori, macchiata di chiazze giallastre proprio nelle stesse 72 ore dell’esposizione steels rain.
To date we have not been able to give an explanation of all the condos that esaudientesia ourselves, we had 500 meters of pipe and giggles again decontaminated, in the hope that the sky is not strange things ripiovano .
I wonder what would be the effects of these substances on the population, as they can in just 72 hours to infect a coma material as stainless steel. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . Gabriele I believe I explained what happened in the best way, probably will be yet more evidence that I feel, I hope you can make useful because people begin to understand what is happening and what to do. I've attached some pictures. Greetings from Mauro Mura have any questions about available ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... "
Ho inserito i puntini dove ho tolto parti del resoconto che non sono di interesse per l’evento, ma sono di carattere personale, o indirizzate direttamente al sottoscritto.
In those days Mary Grace instead I noted the presence of dry grass a little everywhere in the area of \u200b\u200bOristano, in fact we have agreed dopo aver considerato che l’erba nella data precedente a questi giorni di pioggia fosse in pieno vigore e rigorosamente verde, che la cosa poteva essere legata ad una pioggia acida, e quindi all’evento degli acciai; è risaputo ed incontestabile che ‘erba dopo la pioggia si rinvigorisce, diventa più verde e rimane umida e fresca, al contrario l’erba dopo la pioggia appariva giallognola e semi appassita come se stesse seccando, effettivamente soltanto due tipi di pioggia possono fare questo, quella acida e quella radioattiva.
Sappiamo che nelle analisi effettuate su campioni di terra, neve, ed acqua, in giro per il mondo (Italia inclusa) samples contaminated by fallout as a result in release of chemtrails, are present both types of substances (both acidic and radioactive chemicals than normal), but we also know that there are several types of trails that may not be issued the same substances as different substances have different purposes.
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enlarge for reading, article in the local gazette |
In the days following the event a mini article in the Journal is published locally and shows an interesting news about acid rain (the media in Italy have been silent on the subject). That's basically what it says:
the night between December 24 and December 25 of 2010 acid rain (and possibly other materials) are precipitated on the towns of Saint Just and Torregrande, the drops oxidized stainless steel railings have just installed in a building of St. Just, boats and motor boats moored at the marina Torregrande have the same oxidation (talk about boats made to withstand weather and corrosion in the marine salt), and some people would find spots yellow and even signs on laundry hanging on that night. Then proceeds and concludes with an assumption made by experts, this would argue that acid rain is formed naturally in the atmosphere as a result of on-site mixing of substances evaporated, or transported by clouds and winds. But I believe this view unlikely, since the area of \u200b\u200bOrissa and its area is not heavily industrialized, and therefore is unlikely that the harmful substances and industrial waste can evaporate or remain in place, it remains more likely, the idea of \u200b\u200bchemtrails, and to demonstrate the fact, some additional photos of the listing of the building where Mauro has worked, and where you can clearly see chemtrails overhead, which would continuously released throughout the area.
Special thanks to Maria Grazia Campus
Report and testimony of Mauro Mura
Photo by Mauro Mura
article Gabriele Lombardo
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