Saturday, February 26, 2011

Long Blacksequineds

UFO in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tara Hill and Kilkenny

particular hang-gliding 11 photos
Very interesting pictures and send me by his friend Sabrina Usai Vladimiro Porcu, these are some photos of Tara Hill (Ireland), Kilkenny (Ireland), Moscow (Russia) and St. Petersburg (Russia). The photos in question can be inferred a number of flying objects, which are partly attributable to poultry, but some do not have an explanation logic or science, and a clear identification. We can therefore say with clarity that in some cases the abnormalities found by the group of friends (fans of UFO, occult and mysteries of the "Arcana Mystiria") that have rightly observed and reported sightings (these anomalies in the photos of trips they made ), and among other things, in many cases save part of the research work of the objects in the photos really huge (sometimes barely visible), seem to have an artificial origin or in some cases be based energy and light.

Assuming that the photo does not have an exact date and focus on the recent trips and Sabrina Vladimir, these were not taken for the sighting of the objects, but are mere tourist photos, because the detection of anomalies that we will see later, it was found by a group of friends during a meeting, and promptly sent me the material for analysis and confirmation.

Unfortunately some of these celestial events or simply unidentified flying objects are so distant, that despite the size of the photos is an establish company size and especially shape, except in some cases. I have excluded a priori send me some photos, because the finding of the analysis showed that it was just birds, or that it was impossible to have a clear detail, we go now to the photos that showed things instead of UFO interest.

Following public the list of possible messages sent to me, and analyze the photos one by one (except those I have already discarded) as listed here in AMonitoring.

photo 01
"01 The presence of Orbs
02 objects scattered and reflected light from the presence of a cruciform
Subject 03 in the upper left
04 possible presence of objects
05 On the left of the photo with the light reflected from cruciform
06 Light Ebony suspected type
Suspicious object at number 07 Roman XI clock left
09 Suspicious object on a bird in the upper left
11 Light reflected from the cruciform on the "gliding" suspicious object present between the two red flags. "

In the picture 01 (Tara Hill) we have numerous Orbs, but quite often interesting to see in the picture, and is still very striking vision of this place sacred to the Celts on the left where we can see interesting spirals that represent the infinite, the creation and the Earth.

02 photos
02 photos overlaid with filters:
contrast and solarization
In the picture number 02 (Tara Hill) but we have the first pictures of UFO interest, let's see the details and look at the photos and filtering.
We must say that I believe the objects of interest are two, in spite of filters also highlights a score of items whose size might be too big to be simple volatile but in reality it is very likely that birds are just as the panoramic lens, and the spatiality of the same photos do not give enough reference points to determine with a certain degree the distance between them, why, all is not well studied objects in the photo, are not considered UFOs. But we can not be sure whether it's birds. Regarding the two items of personal interest, we can immediately say that the light at the top is very intense, the effects of sunburn and contrast to 500 to prove it substantially, noting the much larger picture, we can also note that I return it seems as if the cloud is affected by a disruption to the roundabout, as if ' object that gives off light, turn on the same stationary (top impact). The other object in the bottom center, being much closer to the ground, and having much larger, helps us to understand that it is an object of some meters (maybe 5-6 meters), solid, tapered shape, and without obvious projections, may therefore be hard, ovoid or elongated type cigar UFO, this material appears dark black metal, possibly, not riflette luce quindi si direbbe materiale a bassa rifrazione, tipo tecnologia Stealth (gli Stealth oltre alla bassa rifrazione radar, hanno anche una scarsa rifrazione della luce e sono pitturati con una vernice speciale che non riflette, ed allo stesso tempo rende l’oggetto quasi invisibile nella notte), quindi possiamo sostenere tranquillamente che l’oggetto è artificiale e non si tratta di tecnologie convenzionali.

foto 03
foto 03 con effetti di: Solarizzazione
e contrasto sovapposti
In the picture number 03 (Kilkenny Castle), we can observe the same object as the previous photo, this is in the top left corner near the tower in the outer part of the picture, the object is to secure a few meters wide (5-6 meters) and is probably black metal and very solid, but it seems in this fast-moving case.

05 photos
photos added 05 with particular
sunburn and contrast sovapposti
In the picture number 05 (Moscow), visible and clear we have two birds silhouetted against the sky showing the wings, body, head and tail, very clearly, a series of small dots blacks unidentifiable (probably other smaller birds or more distant and high in the sky), and two nearby objects, such as if you touch, one that gives off its own light (in the same manner identical to that found in the picture 02 locations Tara Hill in Ireland) 's more dark and massive that does not reflect light (which is very strange given the strong and intense brightness of the next), these two objects appear to act or react differently, so having a different nature, infatti non solo uno emette luce è l’altro l’assorbe senza rifletterla, ma uno è nitido e dalle foto è talmente circolare e preciso da sembrare quasi un artificio nella foto stessa (ma non lo è), l’altro sembra distorto e confuso con l’ambiente circostante, come se assorbisse la luce ma producesse molto calore.

foto 06 con riquadro d'ingrandimento
e con uso di contrasto elevato
Nella foto 06 scattata al Mausoleo di Lenin, sembra evidenziarsi una fonte di luce o un oggetto di colore bianco acceso sopra la struttura, come suggerito da Sabrina and Vladimir, could be made of ebony, but in fact it is not possible to determine the precise form, it is certainly an unidentified flying object, does not feel like metal, but is obviously solid, it might actually be a cabinet-maker as vertically.

picture frame 09 with explanatory
with overlapping effects of solarization and high contrast
In the picture number 09 (St. Petersburg), I was reporting an object volatile over the left and up into the picture. Visible results with filters I can confirm with certainty a good that it is also a bird. Mal'analisi camera showed another anomaly, a bright light in this photo, isolated and small in the sky, quite the same as those of Tara Hill and Moscow, the fault light (a perfect sphere of light) is visible in center of the photo and the sky, but slightly to the right, by drawing a vertical structure and the highest point of the city, going slightly to the right.

picture frame 11 with explanatory
effect of solarization
In the picture 11 (St. Petersburg) we have a dark object between the first two flags from left to right, from the evidence that was found to be almost certainly a bird, while for the bright point-like object just above the delta, I can confirm that it is once again the object this in other photos in Moscow and Tara Hill. I would like to say a few words to the glider, I'm not sure that it is a hang glider, to be honest with all possible overlaps the shape of me is very unusual and bizarre, perhaps more like a parachute stunt than a glider, although I honestly said that it was a seed that falls from a twisted tree, but following the testimony of those who did the pictures are gliding.

I would point out that if all the pictures they had found the anomaly in the same light same portion of the photo, I might have suspected a defect in the lens of the camera, but being in different pictures in different places is a hypothesis to be excluded a priori, in addition Sabry know for some time now and I feel perfectly reliable witness.
To view the photo board their opening and enlargement ...

Pictures Sabrina Usai and Vladimiro Porcu

photographic analysis and filtering

Gabriele Lombardo Gabriele Lombardo


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