Thursday, February 3, 2011

Difference Between Herpes And Cysts

The alien video transmission Mystery

a frame from the original video

Dear blog readers to cats and, in the last episode of the television mystery, they showed a mini service dedicated to an alleged alien autopsy on a corpse, the video mostrato in trasmissione (verso la fine di essa) ci figura, un corpo mutilato e di piccole dimensioni di un presunto extraterrestre, ed il medico incaricato dell’autopsia che procede durante le riprese.

Ma vediamo di analizzare questo video (chiaramente un falso) che circola sul web ormai da anni, e che a mio avviso, non doveva essere fatto vedere in TV con la premessa di un analisi approfondita, visto che è chiaramente una bruttissima messa in scena. Ritengo d’altra parte inopportuna invece, la dichiarata opportuna analisi  di approfondimento (che nella fattispecie farà l’incaricato per conto della trasmissione “Pablo Ayo” che stimo parecchio come ricercatore), but I believe that analysis unnecessary, this matter is indeed a clear roadmap for forcing the same TV program, which would create all the suspense, odience useful to make sure the next episode, but with material that affects not credible and truthful at all the serious research and dissemination of UFO information, and related fields of study.

Video original network

I'm sorry that this happen, because I think Mystery is the only transmission that allows for certain topics without too much bias in any direction, and that often shows even material novel and interesting, so just call per la loro serietà (finora mostrata) a fare più attenzione a ciò che pubblicano e ci mostrano.

Il fimato nella versione proposta dalla trasmissione televisiva Mistero

Ecco ciò che chiaramente tutti potete vedere osservando il video:

la prima cosa da notare è che c’è una sola macchina da ripresa fissa ed immobile, cosa che fa pensare di per se ad una persona che ha fatto tutto da solo, ma adiamo ad i fatti partendo proprio da questo particolare.

Durante un importate autopsia (come sarebbe quella di un alieno) verrebbero probabilmente Frequently used video cameras for various reasons, the first reason is to prevent any malfunctioning of the same may cause irreparable harm had not taken the autopsy, which would then be as unique as the event that video recording, and secondly the camera pointed in one direction, allows the doctor to operate without phantom virtually never to see the autopsy details of the intervention, and allowing (the surgeon) to suck the blood always by the same two points, both strangely not visible from the camera position .

We must also say a few words about alienation itself, which should be high between 80 cm and meters, che stranamente presenta caratteristiche molto simili a quelle umane, ma che tanto ricordano la faccia di Eddye il famoso zombi degli “Iron Miden” ma calvo (scusate la divagazione ironica), il cadavere sembra non avere gli avambracci, ma non si vede sangue nelle ferite, ne nel lettino, sembra infatti che il corpo sia privo di sangue di tumefazioni ecc., corpo che non si vede mai dall’inguine in giù, cosa che lascia presupporre che il manichino non abbia le gambe, questo con molta probabilità è stato realizzato con una colata di lattice di gomma liquido da un calco in gesso o in argilla, e poi verniciato.

Andiamo all’autopsia: il bisturi che vediamo nel video, può essere purchased by anyone at a fraction of the cost at any pharmacy or even health, and then we leave out, I invite everyone to look closely at two factors in the video, the first such work on the elusive doctor, and the second relies on such tools.

Come to order: the engravings are imperfect, and not come out from the body fluids of any kind, including blood, inside the skin to peel easily, which with the exception of the crown does not happen at all, the bones we shall see later there is no cut well (it does not make cuts, but literally break the bones), is the only collection of blood is to be found (described above) in only two points at the back the body itself but inside, behind those ribs should look like. Some might argue that the body could be previously frozen (as suggeritomi by my friend Maxine) and together we agreed that it is not possible, because once thawed the body though so different from the normal fluid and had blood, d ' On the other hand can not be done on a body still frozen by normal means for autopsy, the whole always starting from the premise that an alien has the blood is red.

The surgeon seems uncertain and not knowing how to get your hands, break bones, pulls, rips, not only has great care of the body of an alien, in takes over the bodies so unprofessional and puts them in a container as they were offal, in a real autopsy, using multiple containers, and as the case they should be signed and so on., the organs in such cases should be carefully cataloged, because if you have no other bodies available, there would be no way to go back to their original order.

Let's look at the tools used: An electrician pliers and twisted bits long, a mechanical clamp or better electrics, and commercial use with a syringe with a change likely made transparent plastic film. I must say that there is very little (from this point of view) to comment, all is highly visible in the video when viewed with the policy. With my friend Massimiliano we did the analysis and counted in 5 minutes maybe less, identifying the instruments one by one, and all the flaws of the dummy, the physician, and autopsy of the intervention itself, not that the same video.

still leaves the final decision to you, even if mine is EVID.

video analysis of Gabriel Lombard oe Massimiliano Militello

article Gabriele Lombardo


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