Among the food crisis, and risk revolt and wars (FEMA, DGSE, SVR, and other agencies in cahoots?)
morning has come to my attention a web page and published some articles in it, which have been me in some alarm, however, that my alarm is well founded, and is hidden in the depths of my soul and my mind now for some time.
And indeed addressed are springing all over the world, and some even speak, but others in the public domain, such as Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Albania and former Asian republics belonging to the former CCCP (USSR). While the world continues to increase popular discontent and riots beset governments forcing them to seek refuge in European countries, strangely FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) U.S., a few days ago announced that in anticipation of a possible earthquake in the mega USA, the agency requested (according to the plans of emergency) to the creation of food rations and fuel, respectively, millions of gallons of oil already refined (gasoline and other fuels, especially diesel for military vehicles) by April 2011.
Here is what the article discussed and published on the website ECplanet:
"FEMA is preparing to face catastrophic climate events
By Edward Capuano - Posted on January 29, 2011
When Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) makes a decision is not taken at random. If you meditate on how things are to be global, then one immediately realizes that the objectives of FEMA could also be justified.
would future scenarios of possible disasters, due to changes in natural or man-made climate that has led FEMA to order as many as 140 million food rations in the form of emergency kit [1] . In particular, it was the anticipation of a mega earthquake ( intraplate earthquakes) along the New Madrid Fault (who will undoubtedly be caused artificially by HAARP ) to have stimulated the FEMA in implementing this decision [2] . With this addition, FEMA also wants to test the effectiveness and timeliness the supply of these food emergency in order to identify the points of supply and better strategies to follow.
- weight dose: 340 grams (for a maximum of 480 calories);
- Maximum heat output: 1200 and / or 1165 per meal;
- parameters protein: 29g-37g kit;
- Trans fat: 0;
- Saturated Fat: 13 grams (9 calories per gram);
- how much fat: 47 grams (less than 10% of calories);
- the highest Sodium: 800-930 mg.
also appears to have been inserted in the menu of snacks such as jams, candies, chocolate, peanut butter, juices, condiments and utensils. All meals / kit should have a shelf life of 36 months from the date of delivery. Individual packages will be made with environmentally friendly biodegradable material.
addition to the survival kit of food FEMA grabs 14 million blankets and order more than one million gallons of diesel in the New Madrid.
In the official statement [3] states that the Defense Logistics Agency - Energy (DLA-E) is planning a publication urgent support of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) / Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). A sort of reminder to manufacturers of fuel to implement all the operations that can guarantee a supply of fuel within a radius of 300 miles from the area of \u200b\u200bmobilization, and create parking areas and other points of distribution within states NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, MS, TX, and LA. It is estimated that the need for each state, just mentioned, is equal to 135,000 U.S. gallons for diesel and 24,000 U.S. gallons for gasoline. The total requirement should amount to 1,272,000 U.S. gallons of fuel (a U.S. liquid gallon is approximately 3.8 liters).
The producers may submit their bids, according to the standards imposed by the federal government, Federal Business Opportunities by next February 6, 2011.
Finally it is worth recalling that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will run in May this year a massive exercise [4] to simulate a major earthquake in the central region of the Member America located in New Madrid seismic (NMSZ).
Readers conclusions. "
Ritorniamo al rapporto francese, specificando che il primo ministro francese Francois Fillon avrebbe dichiarato che all’ultimo G-20 , si è discusso anche della possibilità che entro Aprile 2011, con il picco proprio ad Aprile si raggiungerà il massimo storico del costo del grano, che comporterà il collasso di molte aziende ed industrie legate a questo prodotto primario, non che di conseguenza alle sopracitate rivolte popolari per la mancanza di cibo.
Ecco una parte essenziale dell’articolo del sito web The European Union Times che non potevo tralasciare:
“Il timore del governo francese su una crescente instabilità globale è stato realizzato la scorsa settimana dopo i tumulti scoppiati in Algeria and Tunisia that caused over 50 deaths. The situation is so terrible that the government in Tunisia this morning has deployed massive amounts of troops and tanks in the capital Tunis and imposed a curfew in a national order to quell the increasing violence.
The United Nations also warned last Friday that million people are at risk after food prices reached their highest level ever, and as global wheat stocks have been reduced to 175.2 million tonnes to 196.7 million tonnes a year ago, Global stocks of wheat is said to be 127.3 million tonnes at the end of this season, compared to USDA's forecast last month to 130 million tonnes, and global soybean stocks will fall to 58.78 million of tonnes at the end of this season, from 60.4 million tonnes the previous year.
Robert Zoellick, World Bank president, after he warned last week that food prices are " a threat to global growth and social stability " for our world, for the first time memory, was recorded " a poor harvest and you risk chaos .
It 'important to note that the global food situation has led us to try to understand the disasters that have struck our planet and the world grain harvest and the growing demand of the nations this year past, and in descending order received major damage include: China, India, United States, Russia, France, Canada, Germany, Ukraine, Australia and Pakistan.
Da's disaster China : 2010 drought China and dust storms have been a number of severe drought during the Spring 2010 that struck Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Sichuan, Shanxi, Henan, Shaanxi, Chongqing, Hebei e Gansu della Repubblica popolare cinese e come parti del sud est asiatico tra cui Vietnam e Thailandia, e le tempeste di polvere a marzo e aprile che ha colpito gran parte dell'Asia orientale. La siccità è stato definito come il peggiore in un secolo nel sud-ovest della Cina.
Dal disastro di India : Una ondata di caldo record e la crisi idrica in crescita in India stanno costringendo i politici a considerare l'implementazione of user fees and other measures to conserve water. The Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday instructed ministers and officials to prepare a strategic plan to address an imminent food crisis as there were signs that the world is to face a shortage of food within the next April.
Da's disaster, Russia : ( 10% of World's total production, 20% for export ) Were affected by the highest temperature recorded in Russia has seen 130 years of records, the widespread drought in more than three decades and massive forest fires that have stretched into seven regions, including Moscow.
From disaster France: The French government has lowered their forecasts for grain harvest of 2.7 % compared to last year due to drought and cold.
by the disaster of Canada : record setting drought hit their main grain producing provinces in the western part of their nation.
by the disaster in Ukraine : ( top world producer of barley and the sixth largest wheat ) hit Russia hard as fire and drought, to the point they stopped all exports of cereals in 2011.
From disaster Australia: Fears of a global shortage of wheat went up after the area of \u200b\u200bQueensland in Australia is been hit by disastrous floods. Andrew Fraser, Queensland State Treasurer, described the floods as a " disaster of biblical proportions . Water is the earth that covers the size of France and Germany. It is expected to reach over 30 meters deep in some areas in coming days.
From disaster Pakistan: Floods have submerged 17 million hectares of fertile crop lands of Pakistan , killed 200,000 livestock herd and have wiped out huge amounts of grain and left farmers unable to meet the deadline of fall to plant new seeds, leading to a massive loss of food production in 2011, and the potential di lungo termine, mancanza di cibo.
Non solo sono la stragrande maggioranza dei grandi produttori mondiali di grano gli stati colpiti, ma anche una delle principali aree di produzione di cerali del pianeta, Il sud America, esso è stato colpito da calamità importanti, infatti una siccità storica ha paralizzato l'Argentina e Bolivia , e il Brasile, che è la più grande nazione della regione, è stato colpito da inondazioni catastrofiche che hanno killed nearly 400 people in a few days.
The United States also have been hit by a disastrous winter which saw 49 of their 50 states covered with snow, causing unprecedented damage to their crops in the Florida by frost and rain the major record destroying a massive number of important crops in their growth, the region most affected is the California .
And if you think things could not get any worse, we can not say the wrong thing as South Korea (one of the largest exporters of meat in Asia) that just last week had to destroy millions of farm animals , after an outbreak of foot and mouth feared.
As horrible as the global food situation will be This year, it was announced even more sad news in the past month, when the United States reported that almost all of their bees and bee populations have died, and when paired with the "mysterious" die-off entire population of bats in America means that the two main pollinators of fruit trees and vegetables are no longer able to do their work, resulting in crop losses , this report warns is "biblical and catastrophic."
chilling to note is that after his meeting with Sarkozy, Obama has started to implement the new national strategy to keep the secret truth about this terrible event, and may reach the American people after ordered all U.S. citizens to have an Internet ID so they can be tracked down and imprisoned, they should start telling the truth.
And so today, as the agricultural operators and analysts avvertono che l'ultima revisione e Global stock degli Stati Uniti significa che non c'è ulteriore spazio per problemi meteo, un nuovo ciclone si sta preparando a colpire l'Australia, il clima invernale brutale in India ha ucciso quasi 130 , e più neve è avvisato di colpire l'America, e non siamo nemmeno due settimane complete nel 2011 ... che Dio abbia pietà di noi tutti.”
Hopefully everything falls under the rule, because otherwise we are all (without distinction) into trouble.
article Gabriele Lombardo
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