Saturday, February 26, 2011

Long Blacksequineds

UFO in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tara Hill and Kilkenny

particular hang-gliding 11 photos
Very interesting pictures and send me by his friend Sabrina Usai Vladimiro Porcu, these are some photos of Tara Hill (Ireland), Kilkenny (Ireland), Moscow (Russia) and St. Petersburg (Russia). The photos in question can be inferred a number of flying objects, which are partly attributable to poultry, but some do not have an explanation logic or science, and a clear identification. We can therefore say with clarity that in some cases the abnormalities found by the group of friends (fans of UFO, occult and mysteries of the "Arcana Mystiria") that have rightly observed and reported sightings (these anomalies in the photos of trips they made ), and among other things, in many cases save part of the research work of the objects in the photos really huge (sometimes barely visible), seem to have an artificial origin or in some cases be based energy and light.

Assuming that the photo does not have an exact date and focus on the recent trips and Sabrina Vladimir, these were not taken for the sighting of the objects, but are mere tourist photos, because the detection of anomalies that we will see later, it was found by a group of friends during a meeting, and promptly sent me the material for analysis and confirmation.

Unfortunately some of these celestial events or simply unidentified flying objects are so distant, that despite the size of the photos is an establish company size and especially shape, except in some cases. I have excluded a priori send me some photos, because the finding of the analysis showed that it was just birds, or that it was impossible to have a clear detail, we go now to the photos that showed things instead of UFO interest.

Following public the list of possible messages sent to me, and analyze the photos one by one (except those I have already discarded) as listed here in AMonitoring.

photo 01
"01 The presence of Orbs
02 objects scattered and reflected light from the presence of a cruciform
Subject 03 in the upper left
04 possible presence of objects
05 On the left of the photo with the light reflected from cruciform
06 Light Ebony suspected type
Suspicious object at number 07 Roman XI clock left
09 Suspicious object on a bird in the upper left
11 Light reflected from the cruciform on the "gliding" suspicious object present between the two red flags. "

In the picture 01 (Tara Hill) we have numerous Orbs, but quite often interesting to see in the picture, and is still very striking vision of this place sacred to the Celts on the left where we can see interesting spirals that represent the infinite, the creation and the Earth.

02 photos
02 photos overlaid with filters:
contrast and solarization
In the picture number 02 (Tara Hill) but we have the first pictures of UFO interest, let's see the details and look at the photos and filtering.
We must say that I believe the objects of interest are two, in spite of filters also highlights a score of items whose size might be too big to be simple volatile but in reality it is very likely that birds are just as the panoramic lens, and the spatiality of the same photos do not give enough reference points to determine with a certain degree the distance between them, why, all is not well studied objects in the photo, are not considered UFOs. But we can not be sure whether it's birds. Regarding the two items of personal interest, we can immediately say that the light at the top is very intense, the effects of sunburn and contrast to 500 to prove it substantially, noting the much larger picture, we can also note that I return it seems as if the cloud is affected by a disruption to the roundabout, as if ' object that gives off light, turn on the same stationary (top impact). The other object in the bottom center, being much closer to the ground, and having much larger, helps us to understand that it is an object of some meters (maybe 5-6 meters), solid, tapered shape, and without obvious projections, may therefore be hard, ovoid or elongated type cigar UFO, this material appears dark black metal, possibly, not riflette luce quindi si direbbe materiale a bassa rifrazione, tipo tecnologia Stealth (gli Stealth oltre alla bassa rifrazione radar, hanno anche una scarsa rifrazione della luce e sono pitturati con una vernice speciale che non riflette, ed allo stesso tempo rende l’oggetto quasi invisibile nella notte), quindi possiamo sostenere tranquillamente che l’oggetto è artificiale e non si tratta di tecnologie convenzionali.

foto 03
foto 03 con effetti di: Solarizzazione
e contrasto sovapposti
In the picture number 03 (Kilkenny Castle), we can observe the same object as the previous photo, this is in the top left corner near the tower in the outer part of the picture, the object is to secure a few meters wide (5-6 meters) and is probably black metal and very solid, but it seems in this fast-moving case.

05 photos
photos added 05 with particular
sunburn and contrast sovapposti
In the picture number 05 (Moscow), visible and clear we have two birds silhouetted against the sky showing the wings, body, head and tail, very clearly, a series of small dots blacks unidentifiable (probably other smaller birds or more distant and high in the sky), and two nearby objects, such as if you touch, one that gives off its own light (in the same manner identical to that found in the picture 02 locations Tara Hill in Ireland) 's more dark and massive that does not reflect light (which is very strange given the strong and intense brightness of the next), these two objects appear to act or react differently, so having a different nature, infatti non solo uno emette luce è l’altro l’assorbe senza rifletterla, ma uno è nitido e dalle foto è talmente circolare e preciso da sembrare quasi un artificio nella foto stessa (ma non lo è), l’altro sembra distorto e confuso con l’ambiente circostante, come se assorbisse la luce ma producesse molto calore.

foto 06 con riquadro d'ingrandimento
e con uso di contrasto elevato
Nella foto 06 scattata al Mausoleo di Lenin, sembra evidenziarsi una fonte di luce o un oggetto di colore bianco acceso sopra la struttura, come suggerito da Sabrina and Vladimir, could be made of ebony, but in fact it is not possible to determine the precise form, it is certainly an unidentified flying object, does not feel like metal, but is obviously solid, it might actually be a cabinet-maker as vertically.

picture frame 09 with explanatory
with overlapping effects of solarization and high contrast
In the picture number 09 (St. Petersburg), I was reporting an object volatile over the left and up into the picture. Visible results with filters I can confirm with certainty a good that it is also a bird. Mal'analisi camera showed another anomaly, a bright light in this photo, isolated and small in the sky, quite the same as those of Tara Hill and Moscow, the fault light (a perfect sphere of light) is visible in center of the photo and the sky, but slightly to the right, by drawing a vertical structure and the highest point of the city, going slightly to the right.

picture frame 11 with explanatory
effect of solarization
In the picture 11 (St. Petersburg) we have a dark object between the first two flags from left to right, from the evidence that was found to be almost certainly a bird, while for the bright point-like object just above the delta, I can confirm that it is once again the object this in other photos in Moscow and Tara Hill. I would like to say a few words to the glider, I'm not sure that it is a hang glider, to be honest with all possible overlaps the shape of me is very unusual and bizarre, perhaps more like a parachute stunt than a glider, although I honestly said that it was a seed that falls from a twisted tree, but following the testimony of those who did the pictures are gliding.

I would point out that if all the pictures they had found the anomaly in the same light same portion of the photo, I might have suspected a defect in the lens of the camera, but being in different pictures in different places is a hypothesis to be excluded a priori, in addition Sabry know for some time now and I feel perfectly reliable witness.
To view the photo board their opening and enlargement ...

Pictures Sabrina Usai and Vladimiro Porcu

photographic analysis and filtering

Gabriele Lombardo Gabriele Lombardo

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Craigslist Disability Vans Used

objects approaching the Earth from the Oort cloud

uno degli oggetti presunti

Da alcuni mesi si vocifera che astronomi indipendenti avrebbero individuato uno o più oggetti in avvicinamento molto rapido al nostro pianeta, nel momento stesso della trascrizione di questa news nel sito originale, si esponeva in chiaro che l’oggetto presunto (o gli oggetti presunti), lungo centinai di km si troverebbe attualmente subito dentro il sistema solare, ed appena fuori dal lato interno della nube di Oort.

another of the objects alleged
the journal parascientific and increasingly scientific border area in January (last issue before the re-release with new name), took the news in my sighted a new and greater importance. I would like to thank for this addition to the editorial department, including the site in Italy was involved in the thing, the center of UFO Benevento, and in this case Angelo Caranna who wrote it.

Some time ago a friend asked me to go into that I have previously mentioned in other blog entries, unfortunately it seems that the news about it, are very scarce and fragmentary, and often not easy to find on the net, or even systematically dismantled and removed.

Hercules Globular
Let's start with my previous statement, namely that I have previously called "fast-approaching objects," in fact a normal celestial body (planet) or asteroids, comets and meteors, although very high speeds, and could be very strong acceleration, after flybys have massive planets or gas giants (slingshot effect), it could still reach that speed, because estimates of where the same Caranna speaks to us, providing for its (or their arrival) just in December 2012, dropping for the moment the date itself, it is important to deduce it would take less than two years to reach our planet from the end of the Oort this would be virtually impossible (the conditional is obligatory) for an object of that size, shape and uneven natural origin.

Another important thing to say is that the object is not following a path that is desired or to be diverted from the gravitational attractions of the large outer planets and so on, but seems to have a predetermined direction and very straight, directly taken up on us.

the Arecibo radio message sent
And yet, we can see that drawing a straight line between the hypothetical Terrae this object, the line passing through the constellation of Hercules (Hercules), a strange coincidence that even Caranna talks is that the object (according Caranna are three items), comes at exactly the point where the constellation in 1974, astronomers of the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico (astronomers experts in radio astronomy), they sent a radio communication to any other intelligent race. As the SETI project had the task of looking for signs of extraterrestrial origin is not natural, and possibly determine its origin, also had the task of finding a point where to send a signal with characteristics as similar as possible to that of our star system. Let us assume that an advanced civilization (of course most of us), has received our message, it is likely a result of trying to get in touch, it is equally plausible that a hostile civilization would not do it, otherwise without means to send out warning 'hostile act itself, or for a contact, or inquiries, we must think in fact we are talking about an object (or three separate objects), which travel at speeds unthinkable with a very strange shape, and more importantly is that the photo circulating there seem to be the massive square building on the surface. This thing, supporting the hypothesis that it is space craft (or as I thought I used to do this asteroid, would be more likely to equip an asteroid with thrusters that do not build ships of this size, on the other hand, film and telefilm science fiction over the years have made us assimilate this concept to name a couple that is present in Star Wars, Star Trek and Wing Commander).

the Arecibo radio telescope

The news part of the original TG web Controversial News, has never received any confirmation, but has never even been officially denied. As hopes Caranna Angelo, I hope also that there is a denial, but honestly sum up, looking around and are increasingly confident that the major governments are preparing for something impending and catastrophic, something that seems to have taken much into consideration. It 's always my personal opinion, that these are not stray objects, but they have a purpose and a clear direction and dictated the will, then behind that there is another intelligent civilization, what the motivation is not known, and here we can really make any speculation, one thing is certain, however, if the news were true, no matter what it is or they are, we own and in in trouble anyway.

Di Gabriele Lombardo

G Cooking Steak Toaster Oven

Planet made of diamonds

now the news of discoveries planetary, interplanetary, or rather, are no longer disclosed on national networks, and are only as up to date news in Leonardo transmission of rai tre, la situazione dell’informazione scientifica è a dir poco tragica nel nostro paese. Comunque sia, ancora qualcuno riesce ad usare altri canali informativi come riviste a tema scientifico e para scientifico, dando stralci o notizie complete su avvenimenti astronomici e scoperte interessantissime ed innovative.

Immagini del pianeta WASP-12b
Nel mese di gennaio un articolo su X-Time ci racconta di un entusiasmante scoperta planetaria, infatti sembra che alcuni astronomi dell’University of Center Florida, abbiano scoperto un pianeta extrasolare (appartenete ad altro sistema solar), which would have a special feature, to be composed mainly of diamonds, it seems that even with the help of NASA's Spitzer telescope has been able to establish that exist in this planet called WASP-12b diamonds as large as whole mountains.

From the analysis carried out by the telescope also result in a large percentage of carbon to the soil that could harbor life forms of primary or primordial, but according to the rules drawn up by ourselves in the scientific academic life would be impossible because of two factors, the first year is that its rotation around the star lasts only 26 hours, and the second is more important that the proximity to its parent star that would shine on its surface a temperature of 4700 degrees Fahrenheit, which is why diamonds are formed and improbably giant life as we know it.

article Gabriele Lombardo

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Find Blueprints For My House Online

Down Here (W / THE REST OF U.S.)

You work hard now 
To put the food on the table 
You're working for the men 
Who don't even know your name 
That's the way that it goes 
When you're down here with the rest of us 
You might lose now 
Your beautiful children 
Your happy home, yeah 
And your beautiful wife 
That's the way that it goes 
When you're down here with the rest of us 

You'll suffer hard now 
As you bury your loved ones 
You'll suffer hard now 
When you lose your best friend 
That's the way that it goes 
When you're down here with the rest of us 
That's the way that it goes 
And I know how you feel 

No ones immune now 
To a world of problems 
No ones exempt now 
From a world of pain 
That's the way that it goes 
When you're down here with the rest of us 

I try hard now 
To do the right thing 
Yet I wonder 
Why I still do what's wrong 
That's the way that it goes 
When you're down here with the rest of us 
That's the way that it goes 
And I know how you feel

Monday, February 21, 2011

Fotos Foyando Con Animales

December 24 to 25 2010 Acid rain in Orissa

In this blog I talked about a wide range of phenomena and events that occurred in the skies (and on the ground for direct consequence) Oristano (Sardinia); return today to talk about this city where I would go in person as soon as possible to meet many dear friends and nice people, but alas and probable ground experiments climate and certainly one of the most distorted in Italy by chemtrails.

today after about a month of waiting I can finally talk about a report made to me by his friend Mary Grace Campus, and then confirmed by other friends of the place, which brought to my attention a direct witness to a strange event occurred between night on 23 and 27 December 2010, the witness in question and that will illustrate Mauro Mura esaudiente and very direct results of this seems to have been acid rain, and that he would leave his mark in structure and environment, carry fully reporting Mauro, excluding data of interest to the article and signaling.

Ecco cosa mi ha scritto Mauro Mura:

“Salve Gabriele, ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. . Vorrei spiegarti quanto accaduto in un cantiere dove ho montato 500 metri di corrimano in tubo di acciaio inox AISI304 satinato and treated with passivation and chemical decontamination procedure.

Start the mounting of handrails in a condominium in Oristano in early September, we will proceed with the construction and installation until you get to the period under native , precisely at Thursday, December 23 where we had to stop the assembly work at 12 because it started to rain.

Until then, all mounted in a steel building ( virtually all , since they were only 15 meters to be fitted) had remained perfectly clean, without any problem.

Back on site Monday, December 27th to finish assembling the 15-meter missing, as we stand before our eyes is something that in 15 years of working of stainless steel had never seen, the tubes have purplish spots rusty in places, such as il segno delle gocce che si depositano sopra. Mi trovo così a saltare da un appartamento all’altro per vedere se da tutti i lati del palazzo era accaduta la stessa cosa, notando che le parti più esposte alla pioggia di maestrale erano state colpite dal problema. Mi sono trovato anche, a dover trovare una risposta alle domande di 18 famiglie inferocite come bestie senza aver idea di cosa fosse accaduto in quelle 72 ore ai loro corrimani, e passando quindi per un perfetto incompetente, queste persone giustamente, hanno dubitato della qualità dei materiali uti lizzati per eseguire il work.

I was totally panicked, until a girl who lives in pa told me exactly the same joke:'' see Mauro is certainly guilty of chemtrails and all the mess we throw in the head!'' , the first thing I v enn and mind at that moment, all the times that along I saw the superstrada131 wrote''no''to wake without ever understanding what it meant. This person tells me a little of the problem and shows me elle had photos on his PC.

I leave the site in disbelief and appalled by what has been learned, the first thing I did return in the company, was thrown on the web to document a p oco, and still remains or petrified by what I saw.

Sottopongo il problema alle acciaierie che mi vendettero l’acciaio in questione, loro stessi non sanno darmi una spiegazione congrua per quando accaduto, ad eccezione della possibilità che si sia verificata una pioggia acida, cosa da escludere a priori ad Oristano

Parlando i giorni successivi con i condomini al cantiere per cercare di spiegare e di risolvere il problema scopro che in particolare una signora del 5° piano ha trovato la biancheria stesa fuori, macchiata di chiazze giallastre proprio nelle stesse 72 ore dell’esposizione steels rain.

To date we have not been able to give an explanation of all the condos that esaudientesia ourselves, we had 500 meters of pipe and giggles again decontaminated, in the hope that the sky is not strange things ripiovano .

I wonder what would be the effects of these substances on the population, as they can in just 72 hours to infect a coma material as stainless steel. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . Gabriele I believe I explained what happened in the best way, probably will be yet more evidence that I feel, I hope you can make useful because people begin to understand what is happening and what to do. I've attached some pictures. Greetings from Mauro Mura have any questions about available ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... "

Ho inserito i puntini dove ho tolto parti del resoconto che non sono di interesse per l’evento, ma sono di carattere personale, o indirizzate direttamente al sottoscritto.

Andiamo al dunque. Effettivamente come dice Mauro e come è stato confermato dall’azienda che produce gli acciai, non sarebbe possibile l’ossidazione in pochi giorni o addirittura ore, di un acciaio inox per esterni correttamente trattato, se non con una spiegazione acida, ovvero di una pioggia acida che abbia eroso, macchiato e ossidato gli acciai inossidabili. Infatti l’acido is the only thing that can affect in this way and at this speed. We can immediately establish that we can not be treated to some local event, perhaps caused by a condominium the same as all the pieces of steel around the building (without distinction by the position and the plan), are affected the same way, and other What is important all the same side of the building, which directly confirms the direct exposure to rain and directional.

In those days Mary Grace instead I noted the presence of dry grass a little everywhere in the area of \u200b\u200bOristano, in fact we have agreed dopo aver considerato che l’erba nella data precedente a questi giorni di pioggia fosse in pieno vigore e rigorosamente verde, che la cosa poteva essere legata ad una pioggia acida, e quindi all’evento degli acciai; è risaputo ed incontestabile che ‘erba dopo la pioggia si rinvigorisce, diventa più verde e rimane umida e fresca, al contrario l’erba dopo la pioggia appariva giallognola e semi appassita come se stesse seccando, effettivamente soltanto due tipi di pioggia possono fare questo, quella acida e quella radioattiva.

Sappiamo che nelle analisi effettuate su campioni di terra, neve, ed acqua, in giro per il mondo (Italia inclusa) samples contaminated by fallout as a result in release of chemtrails, are present both types of substances (both acidic and radioactive chemicals than normal), but we also know that there are several types of trails that may not be issued the same substances as different substances have different purposes.

enlarge for reading,
article in the local gazette
In the days following the event a mini article in the Journal is published locally and shows an interesting news about acid rain (the media in Italy have been silent on the subject). That's basically what it says:

the night between December 24 and December 25 of 2010 acid rain (and possibly other materials) are precipitated on the towns of Saint Just and Torregrande, the drops oxidized stainless steel railings have just installed in a building of St. Just, boats and motor boats moored at the marina Torregrande have the same oxidation (talk about boats made to withstand weather and corrosion in the marine salt), and some people would find spots yellow and even signs on laundry hanging on that night. Then proceeds and concludes with an assumption made by experts, this would argue that acid rain is formed naturally in the atmosphere as a result of on-site mixing of substances evaporated, or transported by clouds and winds. But I believe this view unlikely, since the area of \u200b\u200bOrissa and its area is not heavily industrialized, and therefore is unlikely that the harmful substances and industrial waste can evaporate or remain in place, it remains more likely, the idea of \u200b\u200bchemtrails, and to demonstrate the fact, some additional photos of the listing of the building where Mauro has worked, and where you can clearly see chemtrails overhead, which would continuously released throughout the area.

Special thanks to Maria Grazia Campus

Report and testimony of Mauro Mura

Photo by Mauro Mura

article Gabriele Lombardo

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Best Flushing Toilets 2009


«Questa è mia figlia, but is of age. " A joke, but prickly, but has created some embarrassment. Enrico Mentana has addressed to Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in the center of Rome.
Casual Encounters - The curtain in the early afternoon: the director of the Tg of the 7 crossed the premier event for the armored car while Knight was leaving the residence of Palazzo Grazioli. The journalist was walking in the heart of the capital with their children and took the smallest shoulders. Berlusconi saw him, he did stop the march and declined to say goodbye. Wide smiles and handshakes. The Knight is now at the little joke with: "But you're so large and still have a pacifier?, "he said smiling and then, realizing he was holding toothpicks, warned the father to pay attention. At this point Mentana submitted to the Prime Minister the other children. The largest shook hands with the premier. Then the director has also introduced the eldest daughter, with these words: "She is my daughter, but is an adult ...». He joked and laughed to emphasize his joke, but Berlusconi no: in fact, fell a moment of awkward silence that has tried to break Mentana Knight asking if he was going to Arcore. "Yes I am going to Arcore," said Berlusconi, who is to change the subject back to playing and joking with the youngest daughter of the journalist.

The news that Berlusconi is back playing and joking with the youngest daughter of the journalist.

Source: Photos from

Thursday, February 17, 2011

2nd Birthday Invitation Wording

The water in the solar system and implications on the life

The water in the solar system and implications on the life

For many years now we have come to a science denier, skeptical, and often too cautious, and scientists still deny the 'evidence and make their own discoveries on the reverse, the face of an information fair and free. Luckily there are always researchers and independent scientists, not only sincere, or just that specific information, but maybe working on major theories, with evidence despite the criticism and disrepute in their own respect, some of them also maintain a list of surveys and scientific statements of all of the findings (day to day, and not only them but also those of government agencies), making it virtually certain undeniable established facts for years, but continue to be denied officially, for example that life can exist without water or that the water is almost everywhere.

Since the early launches of probes into space beyond Earth's orbit, it is understood that water is not an item so rare in the universe, but we have been accustomed to the idea that ' Water is an indispensable element for the birth of the formation and survival of life itself, in fact we know very well that not really so, and that recent discoveries and undeniable proof that life can develop on other factors, and this might not even need water they do oxygen, but I'm not here to talk about this, but I want to expose part of the masterpiece of Zecharia Sitchin "Genesis the other."

Who does not know her lyrics will tell what does the author of the translations on the Annunaki and Nibiru with astronomy in search of water and life, and I want to immediately respond by saying that ' author of numerous books and research based on his lyrics also astronomical knowledge of the moment, and in this book is an incredible use of these findings, citing the names for all of the scientists who made the discovery, given the announcements made by them, the probes that would give evidence, not that of all the material that would lead to conclude the thesis, practically within our solar system water (in various forms) is a constant.

For the moment we leave aside all the implications on the genesis of humans and other life forms and also omit the very genesis of our planetary system, in fact when I am only interested in the incredible amount of scientific data listed in detail by the same Sitchin in the book, and especially in chapter three.

In the third chapter of Genesis The other book, Sitchin confirms that the Jewish Bible stories, and texts that inspired them, in reverse order from newest to oldest increased from Assyrian, Babylonian and Sumerian which in turn would have translated texts even more ancient, are scientifically validated by science in recent years, though these writings (including the Bible) are considered scientific and mythological texts, not just religious.

Come down to it, in this chapter we see that:

Venus Venus once had water on the surface, this according to NASA scientists could get to cover most of the planet with an average depth of 6 meters, today despite the incredible rich Venusian atmosphere carbon dioxide to capacity (from analysis of the probes) that the atmosphere has a percentage of items that confirm that in the past there was water, and some argue that in small quantities in the ground even though there might still be in the form of vapors.

Per quanto concerne Marte ormai assodato che possiede acqua ghiacciata in uno dei poli, sappiamo che sin dagli anni 80 si ipotizza che il pianeta fosse un tempo completamente ricoperto da acqua, secondo alcuni scienziati di quegli anni che lavorarono per il JPL, addirittura 300 metri di acqua (se pur per un breve periodo, milioni di anni) avrebbero ricoperto l’intero pianeta, successivamente ad un evento incognito ma decisamente catastrofico, le acque sarebbero in gran parte evaporate, con un effetto serra simile a quello di Venere ma decisamente minore. Questo evento avrebbe portato il pianeta a creare una struttura di superficie del simile alla Terra, con laghi fiumi e forse piccoli oceani, e si teorizzava ancora che In some areas the water was even deeper than 6 km, some of these claims and denials were first reported today in vogue for studies that claim with absolute certainty that once flowed rivers of water on the Martian surface, and still there is a large amount of muddy water in the Martian soil, concentrated in a specific area, about twice as large in our Mediterranean Sea.

major moons of Jupiter
Jupiter is a gas giant, with an internal part of the massive and dense, and solid, of course it is unlikely that on its surface there may be acqua liquida, anche se improbabile non significa impossibile, ma a noi interessa il fatto, che praticamente alcune lune del gigante posseggono acqua, ghiacciata ed in alcuni casi si ipotizza addirittura che esse siano totalmente o quasi composti da questo elemento. Vediamo di chiarire la cosa e per farlo andiamo per ordine: La luna Io la più vicina al pianeta ha un intensa attività vulcanica, e da esami fatti dalle sonde risulta una piccola percentuale di vapore acque che fuoriesce dai coni vulcanici (quindi tracce di acqua), in oltre la sua superficie, sembra che un tempo sia stata scavata da acqua.

When Sitchin wrote the book, it states that at the time suggested that Europa's surface was covered by ice on the surface slightly damaged by cracks, etc.., But today we know even more, because we know with certainty that the entire surface of Europa is covered with a layer of water ice a few kilometers deep, and below it, there is a relatively warm ocean water, and a ' underwater volcanic activity that could be a real independent natural habitat. Continuing the discussion Jupiter's moons suggests that Ganymede and Callisto are covered with a muddy mess of ice.

moons of Saturn
Saturn is an amazing event, just about this incredible planet-sized moon is important not to be completely ice or ice , we see in detail: Janus, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione and Rhea (Rhea), ie all the inner satellites are composed entirely, or almost, ice, new findings from today we also know that some of them such as Rhea may harbor microorganisms. Iapetus but is essentially a ball of ice with some rock in the middle (exact words of the book is ad NASA), Titan has an atmosphere (even if it is made from oil) and below it is an area one hundred kilometers of thick ice ( probably methane), and beneath this seething sea ice. In fact even all the rings of Saturn are composed primarily of water ice, and second probes that would pass close to them, the blocks that compose them would vary in size between the mass and size of a house, with some cases of mixed rock dust and ice particles, we can therefore say that Saturn is situated around an incredible amount of water ice.

Uranus and Neptune
In previous chapters of the book, Sitchin talks also covered the surface of liquid water at unimaginable temperatures (although we do not know the true composition it), but compressed, and therefore does not evaporate because the air pressure and the gravitational pull of these planets Uranus and Neptune. In that regard, I wonder how many of you know that Uranus and Neptune have large masses more than you think, and a gas component much smaller than Jupiter and Saturn, but the most important thing and that due pianeti extra saturniani, non hanno solo oceani di acqua, ma una vera e propria atmosfera (peccato che vi siano tempeste continue con venti di 1200/1400 km orari).

Recenti scoperte in oltre (ovviamente successive di 20 anni o più alla stesura del libro), dichiarano che anche nella superficie di Giove e Saturno si presume che esista acqua almeno in micro percentuali sottoforma di vapori; si sa anche che nella fascia di asteroidi tra Marte e Giove si registra la presenza di pulviscolo di ghiaccio; così come l’intera nube di Oort (ai confini del sistema stellare del Sun) is composed primarily of bodies of water ice and methane, do not forget that comets coming from this cloud are all largely or entirely made of ice, and within the range of Oort in the last several years have been identified planetoids composed entirely of ice, for example Quaolar, and still not forget either that our arid moon (Selene) has within its crater about 30 million cubic meters of water in ice (NASA estimates), probably (but not sure) came from cometary impacts.

In conclusion, having found that life in the universe can be formed even in the absence of water if We kept it does not consider this important factor, we would still have an incredible amount of possibilities that life has existed and still exists within our solar system in many other places, of course, than our beloved Earth (Gaia).

particular moon Europa considered by scientists to
because of the alleged artificiality
A recent news seems to be argued that Europe could have developed intelligent life, in fact the most important Russian engineer and astrophysicist Boris Rodinov world expert on pipelines, and his staff have developed the theory that tubiform structures that can be seen under the ice (or ice) of the moon in question, certainly man-made structures are very similar to land pipelines, but hundreds or large thousands of meters of tunnels likely an extraterrestrial civilization, other factors beyond the surface, would have a logical explanation for this path, the staff engineer and astrophysicist Russia would send a detailed dossier to NASA, which would have immediately responded that they too are examining the theory itself.

For dates, names of scientists, space missions, etc.., Advice straight to their text and inserted between the above-mentioned sources of Zecharia Sitchin, in fact if I had entered one by one all the data I had to write the triple.

Sources: Other Genesis of Zecharia Sitchin, NASA, information obtained from the Voyager, Mariner, Venus, Mars, Viking, JPL (jet propulsory laboratory), for The article on the theory of Rodinov (unfortunately not cited the source site it is a direct link to it)

article Gabriele Lombardo

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pinewood Derby Car Designs Star Wars

Possible life on Rhea (moon of Saturn) again

now no longer surprised about ads alleged extraterrestrial life, even to the ongoing revelations of possible direct and indirect findings of posts adapted to life in the universe, because now the information and findings are almost taken for granted, although many scientists and dated obtuse continue to argue that it is not.

In fact now the evidence that life may exist beyond the earth, wherever we find them in our own solar system, and even on our own planet, where there were colonies of bacteria (from the unknown space) and bodies that would even be adapted to systems to say very hostile and impossible as poisons and acids, or extreme temperature conditions above 200 degrees, or in boiling water (where I mean boiling hot), or in the seabed to unimaginable pressure. Today we also know that life does not develop only carbon but also phosphorus, especially because we know diving for over 10 years that have originated from phosphorus and live in ocean trenches, and whose main characteristic is its ability fluorescent which allows them to see in the dark abyss.

Basically now, the celestial bodies in the solar system where life could be adapted or in which it could have been birth, are at least a dozen, but the candidates are many more. In recent times, we read a little around the web, but also in magazines and books on the subject of theories are still considered fringe science, even that planetary bodies like Venus (acid), Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune and massive gas giants, could be further developed life. We must not forget that Neptune is covered entirely by oceans of water, and under the ocean has a huge land mass, of course weather conditions are bad, we talk about hurricanes of 1200 km per hour and water to 200 degrees so that the compressed but remains liquid evaporates (as something difficult to explain) and obviously we can not fail to mention, the main candidates for the life of our solar system, namely: Mars, Europa, Titan, Triton, Ganymede, Io and now Rhea.

Recently an article published in the Border Area for the month of January, and drawn from the site of the UFO center of Benevento, it advises that Rhea (icy moon of Saturn) has an atmosphere, and this seems which also contains some oxygen and carbon dioxide, say the scientists at the Southwest Research Institute of Texas and the official news that would, in the journal Science Express, based on results compiled by the passage of the Cassini spacecraft near Saturn moons. Scientists, specify that the current state of studies and results evidenced by research, that the ice mass to the atmosphere could find living organisms on Rhea, but that at present you can not take it for sure, but under the ice layer would increase the chances.

Ps. The place to find news about it (original) is as follows:

article Gabriele Lombardo

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Amor Vincit Omnia By Edgar Bowers Interpretation

One of the best goals of all time.
ago and took the lead to win the derby with Manchester United in the City.
February 12, 2011, Old Trafford.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Color Of Lent Candles

mortality of animals, now it's up to jellyfish

Dear readers and friends blog, a few days back I talked about the mortality of animals, and the theory of phosgene gas in " Animal Moria and the theory of the appeal of phosgene gas contactee Collen thomas "I have spoken (and often in detail) of birds, fish and crabs, also referred to the memory of other animals. I have alluded to the fact that there was a mortality of polyps in Spain and new species of fish, crustaceans and birds a little everywhere in the world. In the same article I also informed of a strange event in the Atlantic by the sharks, saying that an expert marine biologist and former shark hunter, with his helicopter pilot, spotted a cluster of sharks really mammoth proportions (it is not definable as a bench sharks), it is in fact more than 100,000 sharks, which for no apparent reason is poured into the U.S. coast, and now the rumor that they are dead, but not confirmed entry.

Another important news that comes to us, always comes from the U.S. where it seems that inspiaggiate 1000000, over a large jellyfish, on the whole east coast of Florida.

While the media are silent, and the death of these animals no longer odience, the memory continues and becomes ever greater, in the article "Between sconvolgimenti planetari e annunci catastrofici   “, che precede questo, ho parlato di fine dei tempi, ed in quello ancora precedente dal titolo “ Tra crisi alimentare, e rischio rivolta e guerre (FEMA, DGSE, SVR ed altre agenzie in combutta?) “ di una presunta prossima crisi alimentare mondiale dovuta ad i flagelli dello scorso anno, e dell’inizio del nuovo.


Spesso quelli che danno notizie come me, vengono accusati di creare allarmismo o addirittura panico, io amo l’informazione libera, e soprattutto vera, capisco perfettamente the implications of what I say, as well as the implications of the events of which I speak. That said, I propose a detailed list of some events of mortality of animals that have been reported and verified, this obviously does not exclude the fact that cases are many more, and that in some areas such as Africa, you do not have records for reasons I have already stated several times, for example, the fact that in 99% of African territories there are no media, no radio, they use equipment such as televisions and radios themselves, and there are no telephones and cell phones. In addition, the average population is not aware of factors and events of this kind, so why would not even have to involve not Whereas in fact the event itself so strange and unusual, nothing strange that the only warning you get there by African Republic Sud'Africana, the only one with a larger amount of structures and technologies.

Here is the list that I have collected so far from the web:

1) December 28, 2010, die-off clams and crabs and small shellfish on the beach in Scarborough (Grosseto) in the investigation of state police, coastguards, police and provincial organs of local expertise.

2) January 1, 2011, over 5,000 dead birds in Arkansas, 500 were found dead on the border with Arkansas Labarre.

3) January 5, 2011, thousands of dead birds in Falkoeping (Sweden); Thousands of Merli died in Baton Rouge, Louisiana (USA) Hundreds of ducks died in the same area .

4) January 7, 2011, 100000 inspiaggiati dead fish on a stretch of coast 20 km of Arkansas (USA), 500 dead birds of various kinds found in Kentucky (USA), 800 dead turtles on the state of Faenza (Ravenna, Italy) officially the first domestic case.

5) January 8, 2011, hundreds or perhaps thousands of doves in San Cesario di Modena, the same happens at the same time in Caserta.

6) January 9, 2011, in memory of doves in Civitanova Marche.

7) January 12, 2011, thousands of dead birds raining in California.

8) January 13, 2011, hundreds of Fermo Campiglione Tortore death and dozens of birds found dead in Contigliano Veneto.

9) January 14, 2011; mortality of 300 birds in Alabama (USA); Roccafluvione mortality of birds in the province of Ascoli Piceno.

10) In the second half of January 2011, begins inspiaggiamento of thousands of polyps that die on the Atlantic coast of Spain.

11) in early February 2011, begins the sighting of 100,000 sharks in the Atlantic coast of the USA, they were being stored improperly and behaving abnormally, not are present on the spot schools of fish to catch.

12) February 10, 2011, begins inspiaggiamento and the death of one million of jellyfish off the coast of Florida.

13) February 10, 2011, a web forum on the headline and an article stating that the previous sighting of the estimated 100,000 sharks, they would die, but there is no evidence to support the incident, for so is not trusted.

In short, here I reported all the news are available at all, but the media do not speak, although in more digging and discovered that the cases detected are hundreds more, for example, the English cases are not discussed, but are among the most significant cases sure would be 5, of these, 3 are significant, one has seen the mortality of several tons of fish, another memory of the thousands of birds, the other is the death of 40000 inspiaggiamento and crabs.

Basically the whole world is affected by the event, and we have no way to make assessments on oceans and seas where the phenomenon could be greater, and Covering the 75/80% of the planet is estimated that around you can read the newspapers, news, etc.., talking about tens or hundreds of tonnes of dead fish to watch, The same applies to various crabs and shellfish, thousands of birds, octopi, and now millions of jellyfish, and you do not know if the sharks had the same fate.

read the articles and the official theories on the one hand makes me laugh, on the other I feel like crying, but the thing I do comes from inside and scream the head of those dumb people who do not look at the reality and continue forward in inability to make connections between events, convinced of their concrete damage claim ridiculous and unconvincing explanations often contradict one another, persisting to declare nonsense type, and this group died of food for this oil, this one for fireworks, and again, hail to the high altitude, etc..

A question arises, but it takes long to realize that all these events have at least Cases Linked? Mha! Sometimes I wonder what good study if you do not know how to read and interpret what is before us.

event is still a little discussed, and that only a memory of animals:

mysterious die-off of crabs in Priolo (Siracusa) found thousands of dead crabs on the beaches, the ongoing investigations by the Coast Guard, with the support of ARPA and the help of the mayor, here's the explanation (ridiculous) but that has been given official : crabs would die for a number of factors, including on-site presence of rats as big as rabbits, on-site movement of pyrite ash and poisonous substances such as Cadmium and Vanadium and grass too high (too high grass? Maybe the crabs do not eyes were healthy and ended up in the pyrite in the mouth of a hellish rat, which in the end because the poor ate the crab had been dead before and she had not noticed, and then poor rat rabbit, all you care about crabs, but the rat undergoes the same pollution or maybe not!). The area in question is an archaeological site, now not later on to what they're doing with this crap in an archaeological site, and do not question that this crap, certainly contaminates the soil and so on. But no one asks why this done for years, and the crabs are dying right now while the place in other parts of the world are dying by the thousands? Here, too, spread a veil.

Lake Guardialfiera ANSA news of 10 November 2010, thousands of dead fish floating in the lake, investigators determine that the possible cause of death is the bacterium Aeromonas Hidrofila, but can not rule out other causes, so the mystery remains unsolved, we have another month to translate the memory of animals back?! In my opinion, yes.

Other ANSA news January 4, 2011, from tests on a sample of dead birds in Arkansas revealed that they died as a result of internal trauma, 8 the same month, he speaks of natural causes, but does not explain what they are, and you criticize sword theories that want the use of technology HAARP, chemtrails, or cause catastrophic planetary as a reversal of the poles, solar flares etc..

I have received an alert for bird die-off in Sardinia, in an unspecified place in the area of \u200b\u200bOristano, the same I have been reported in two other areas of northern and central Italy, by witnesses who have not wanted to expose. I know for a fact that on the night between 25 and 26 December 2010, acid rain fell on and around Orissa, with obvious consequences on the grass and outdoor metal structures that are suddenly oxidized.

In this scenario (of course started earlier than we know), we have not included all cetacean strandings in which we are now accustomed to, and I have included stories not found (even if credible), but summing it all can be backdated further. In fact, in an article in the April 2, 2009 (in fact it all starts years ago), written by Marco Soave, states that a sudden die-off of bees around the world (who are dying dramatically in many areas of the planet) is likely to cause the total extinction of bees in the United States, Portugal and Spain, and also suffer serious damage in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, England, Greece and Italy (strangely all nations with flows into the sea or surrounded by it (including the Mediterranean), and the most affected are the most exposed to the Atlantic Ocean. Then she adds, the simultaneous escalation of cetaceans who commit suicide at the beach, or you inspiaggiano for orientation problems may be related to the phenomenon of extinction of bees.

few days ago came the news that Obama in a speech in China, stated that American bees are almost fully discharged, the news has not been confirmed, but as Einstein said if bees become extinct, all life would become extinct within a few tens of years on our planet, it would break a balance that directly involves the reproductive system of plants and plantation crops themselves, the direct consequence would be the disruption of the system that is already unstable due to pollution, and indirectly involve all animal species, thus risking unprecedented famines and extinctions mass.

Sources: Ansa,, ComeDonChisciotte, Corriere della, Knowing a little of everything, NuoveFrontieredellaConoscenza, the explorer's blog, Eco, Birds of Moria (insights on the recent phenomenon), Academic Center for UFO Studies, La Repubblica, the mysterious energy blog, the site of Priolo Gargallo, Parallel Worlds Forum, the site Services secrets and intelligence, and more.

article Gabriele Lombardo