The water in the solar system and implications on the life The water in the solar system and implications on the life
For many years now we have come to a science denier, skeptical, and often too cautious, and scientists still deny the 'evidence and make their own discoveries on the reverse, the face of an information fair and free. Luckily there are always researchers and independent scientists, not only sincere, or just that specific information, but maybe working on major theories, with evidence despite the criticism and disrepute in their own respect, some of them also maintain a list of surveys and scientific statements of all of the findings (day to day, and not only them but also those of government agencies), making it virtually certain undeniable established facts for years, but continue to be denied officially, for example that life can exist without water or that the water is almost everywhere.
Since the early launches of probes into space beyond Earth's orbit, it is understood that water is not an item so rare in the universe, but we have been accustomed to the idea that ' Water is an indispensable element for the birth of the formation and survival of life itself, in fact we know very well that not really so, and that recent discoveries and undeniable proof that life can develop on other factors, and this might not even need water they do oxygen, but I'm not here to talk about this, but I want to expose part of the masterpiece of Zecharia Sitchin "Genesis the other."
Who does not know her lyrics will tell what does the author of the translations on the Annunaki and Nibiru with astronomy in search of water and life, and I want to immediately respond by saying that ' author of numerous books and research based on his lyrics also astronomical knowledge of the moment, and in this book is an incredible use of these findings, citing the names for all of the scientists who made the discovery, given the announcements made by them, the probes that would give evidence, not that of all the material that would lead to conclude the thesis,
practically within our solar system water (in various forms) is a constant.
For the moment we leave aside all the implications on the genesis of humans and other life forms and also omit the very genesis of our planetary system, in fact when I am only interested in the incredible amount of scientific data listed in detail by the same Sitchin in the book, and especially in chapter three.
In the third chapter of Genesis The other book, Sitchin confirms that the Jewish Bible stories, and texts that inspired them, in reverse order from newest to oldest increased from Assyrian, Babylonian and Sumerian which in turn would have translated texts even more ancient, are scientifically validated by science in recent years, though these writings (including the Bible) are considered scientific and mythological texts, not just religious.
Come down to it, in this chapter we see that:
Venus Venus once had water on the surface, this according to NASA scientists could get to cover most of the planet with an average depth of 6 meters, today despite the incredible rich Venusian atmosphere carbon dioxide to capacity (from analysis of the probes) that the atmosphere has a percentage of items that confirm that in the past there was water, and some argue that in small quantities in the ground even though there might still be in the form of vapors.
Mars |
Per quanto concerne Marte ormai assodato che possiede acqua ghiacciata in uno dei poli, sappiamo che sin dagli anni 80 si ipotizza che il pianeta fosse un tempo completamente ricoperto da acqua, secondo alcuni scienziati di quegli anni che lavorarono per il JPL, addirittura 300 metri di acqua (se pur per un breve periodo, milioni di anni) avrebbero ricoperto l’intero pianeta, successivamente ad un evento incognito ma decisamente catastrofico, le acque sarebbero in gran parte evaporate, con un effetto serra simile a quello di Venere ma decisamente minore. Questo evento avrebbe portato il pianeta a creare una struttura di superficie del simile alla Terra, con laghi fiumi e forse piccoli oceani, e si teorizzava ancora che In some areas the water was even deeper than 6 km, some of these claims and denials were first reported today in vogue for studies that claim with absolute certainty that once flowed rivers of water on the Martian surface, and still there is a large amount of muddy water in the Martian soil, concentrated in a specific area, about twice as large in our Mediterranean Sea.
major moons of Jupiter |
Jupiter is a gas giant, with an internal part of the massive and dense, and solid, of course it is unlikely that on its surface there may be acqua liquida, anche se improbabile non significa impossibile, ma a noi interessa il fatto, che praticamente alcune lune del gigante posseggono acqua, ghiacciata ed in alcuni casi si ipotizza addirittura che esse siano totalmente o quasi composti da questo elemento. Vediamo di chiarire la cosa e per farlo andiamo per ordine: La luna Io la più vicina al pianeta ha un intensa attività vulcanica, e da esami fatti dalle sonde risulta una piccola percentuale di vapore acque che fuoriesce dai coni vulcanici (quindi tracce di acqua), in oltre la sua superficie, sembra che un tempo sia stata scavata da acqua.
Europa |
Titan |
When Sitchin wrote the book, it states that at the time suggested that Europa's surface was covered by ice on the surface slightly damaged by cracks, etc.., But today we know even more, because we know with certainty that the entire surface of Europa is covered with a layer of water ice a few kilometers deep, and below it, there is a relatively warm ocean water, and a ' underwater volcanic activity that could be a real independent natural habitat. Continuing the discussion Jupiter's moons suggests that Ganymede and Callisto are covered with a muddy mess of ice.
moons of Saturn |
Saturn is an amazing event, just about this incredible planet-sized moon is important not to be completely ice or ice , we see in detail: Janus, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione and Rhea (Rhea), ie all the inner satellites are composed entirely, or almost, ice, new findings from today we also know that some of them such as Rhea may harbor microorganisms. Iapetus but is essentially a ball of ice with some rock in the middle (exact words of the book is ad NASA), Titan has an atmosphere (even if it is made from oil) and below it is an area one hundred kilometers of thick ice ( probably methane), and beneath this seething sea ice. In fact even all the rings of Saturn are composed primarily of water ice, and second probes that would pass close to them, the blocks that compose them would vary in size between the mass and size of a house, with some cases of mixed rock dust and ice particles, we can therefore say that Saturn is situated around an incredible amount of water ice.
Uranus and Neptune |
In previous chapters of the book, Sitchin talks also covered the surface of liquid water at unimaginable temperatures (although we do not know the true composition it), but compressed, and therefore does not evaporate because the air pressure and the gravitational pull of these planets Uranus and Neptune. In that regard, I wonder how many of you know that Uranus and Neptune have large masses more than you think, and a gas component much smaller than Jupiter and Saturn, but the most important thing and that due pianeti extra saturniani, non hanno solo oceani di acqua, ma una vera e propria atmosfera (peccato che vi siano tempeste continue con venti di 1200/1400 km orari).
Quaolar |
Recenti scoperte in oltre (ovviamente successive di 20 anni o più alla stesura del libro), dichiarano che anche nella superficie di Giove e Saturno si presume che esista acqua almeno in micro percentuali sottoforma di vapori; si sa anche che nella fascia di asteroidi tra Marte e Giove si registra la presenza di pulviscolo di ghiaccio; così come l’intera nube di Oort (ai confini del sistema stellare del Sun) is composed primarily of bodies of water ice and methane, do not forget that comets coming from this cloud are all largely or entirely made of ice, and within the range of Oort in the last several years have been identified planetoids composed entirely of ice, for example Quaolar, and still not forget either that our arid moon (Selene) has within its crater about 30 million cubic meters of water in ice (NASA estimates), probably (but not sure) came from cometary impacts.
In conclusion, having found that life in the universe can be formed even in the absence of water if We kept it does not consider this important factor, we would still have an incredible amount of possibilities that life has existed and still exists within our solar system in many other places, of course, than our beloved Earth (Gaia).
particular moon Europa considered by scientists to because of the alleged artificiality |
A recent news seems to be argued that Europe could have developed intelligent life, in fact the most important Russian engineer and astrophysicist Boris Rodinov world expert on pipelines, and his staff have developed the theory that tubiform structures that can be seen under the ice (or ice) of the moon in question, certainly man-made structures are very similar to land pipelines, but hundreds or large thousands of meters of tunnels likely an extraterrestrial civilization, other factors beyond the surface, would have a logical explanation for this path, the staff engineer and astrophysicist Russia would send a detailed dossier to NASA, which would have immediately responded that they too are examining the theory itself.
For dates, names of scientists, space missions, etc.., Advice straight to their text and inserted between the above-mentioned sources of Zecharia Sitchin, in fact if I had entered one by one all the data I had to write the triple.
Sources: Other Genesis of Zecharia Sitchin, NASA, information obtained from the Voyager, Mariner, Venus, Mars, Viking, JPL (jet propulsory laboratory), for The article on the theory of Rodinov (unfortunately not cited the source site it is a direct link to it)
article Gabriele Lombardo